Migration to C++ (?)

Thorsten Wißmann edu at thorsten-wissmann.de
Tue Jul 22 09:04:04 CEST 2014

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 08:19:16AM +0200, Zsolt Udvari wrote:
> 2014-07-22 4:36 GMT+02:00 Christopher Meng <cickumqt at gmail.com>:
> > Any plan of C++ on Boost?
> Is it serious? Herbstluftwm is a small, lightweight window manager, I
> think, depends on huge boost is a very-very bad idea...

I don't really know boost. But right now I can't think of a feature we
need which is not covered by STL but by boost. So I can't think of a
reason to use boost here.

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