multiplie urxvt windows, regression, v 5.2 -> git

Janez Rom janez.rom19 at
Sun Dec 15 21:47:44 CET 2013


After launching 7 urxvt windows for example I get important gaps between 
these windows. This gaps change the size if there is more or less open 
windows. Using  herbstluftwm v5.2 there is not such kind of problem. I 
remember that there was similar issue with dwm (was resolved with patch) 
and awesome wm (configuration script).

I tried different urxvt versions (ArchLinux with character and line 
space patches) without succes. Second try was configuration of urxvt 
.Xdefaults with commands : URxvt.internalBorder / URxvt.letterSpace / 
URxvt.lineSpace with no succes.

Xterm works well so it should be Urxvt related. But worked well with 
v5.2. Do you think that there should be some v5.2 -> actual git version 


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