[Grundeinkommen-Info] bis 31.12.2022 Motto-Vorschläge zur 16. Internationalen Woche des Grundeinkommens 2023; FW: [basicincomeweek] Thanks 15th IBIW; your Motto suggestions till 31stDecember 2022 for 16th IBIW Mo-Su 18th-24th September 2023

Info-Liste des Netzwerks Grundeinkommen für aktuelle Informationen grundeinkommen-info at listen.grundeinkommen.de
Sa Okt 22 17:37:13 CEST 2022

Bis 31.12.2022 können (englischsprachige weltweit anwendbare) Motto-Vorschläge zur 16. Internationalen Woche des Grundeinkommens (16th International Basic Income Week) Mo-So 18.-24.09.2023 auf https://basicincomeweek.org/biw-motto-submission/ eingereicht werden, siehe https://basicincomeweek.org/15th-ibiw-thanks/ bzw. www.facebook.com/BasicIncomeWeek/posts/pfbid02bZMWTHkLvQFiPv7fvFRDYx8Dpf9j8vfNavU2ULiHxpwkNphi5M7XHoywtgmHjWNnl/ und Original-Mail unten.

Wenn jemand Interesse hat, im Februar 2023 auf ehrenamtlicher Basis das im Januar 2023 abgestimmte Motto designmäßig zu gestalten, meldet sich bitte direkt bei der Basic Income Week https://basicincomeweek.org/contact-form/


Von: info at basicincomeweek.org
Gesendet: 19.10.2022 03:55
An: info at basicincomeweek.org
Betreff: [basicincomeweek] Thanks 15th IBIW; your Motto suggestions till 31stDecember 2022 for 16th IBIW Mo-Su 18th-24th September 2023

Hello Basic Income Week Supporters,
Congratulations on your many successful events and celebrations that were all part of the 15th annual International Basic Income Week "Basic Income is basic humanism!" Mo-Su 19th-25th September 2022!

As you can see on this Facebook page www.facebook.com/BasicIncomeWeek/events/ or Webpage https://basicincomeweek.org/calendar2022/ there were around 60 Basic Income Week events that happened all over the world during the week including Basic Income March events www.basicincomemarch.com, 26 Basic Income Beer events https://basicincomeweek.org/ibib2022/ and other #basicincomeweek15 events not on Facebook.

Looking ahead to next year for the 16th International Basic Income Week (IBIW) we are planning to celebrate this week from September 18th-24th, 2023.

For choosing a motto for next year’s IBIW send us your motto suggestions about https://basicincomeweek.org/contact-form/ or Social Media messenger Facebook/Twitter/Instagram @basicincomeweek or Email info at basicincomeweek.org till end of this year (31st December 2022).
The motto suggestions should not contain local or regional topics but be valid worldwide. Local or regional themes can be added as subtitle in your country.
You find all historical mottos at https://basicincomeweek.org/history/

The Motto voting is planned for January/February 2023.

If you would like to design the chosen Motto in February 2023 on a voluntary basis for our Website and Social Media logo, banner, profile picture, main events cover and additional a poster, please contact us the same way like motto suggestions.

The announcement of the designed Motto is planned for March/April 2023.

The following events are included in the plans for September 2023:
- September 1st-24th, 2023 "Basic Income Profile Picture Action"
- Wednesday, September, 20th, 2023 "Count on Basic Income Photo Action"
- Friday, September 22nd, 2023 "6th International Basic Income Beer"
- Saturday, September 23rd, 2023 "5th International Basic Income March"

Basic Income Organizations from countries or continents will be able to be co-hosts of these Facebook events, please accept our invitation to co-host on your own Facebook page at Tab 'Events' as the requests come in.

In addition, for the Facebook events that you create next year, please allow us (the team organizing IBIW) to "co-host" your Facebook events that take place during Basic Income Week so that we can find and share these events quickly. If you don’t have Facebook, submit the events using the Webpage Event Form https://basicincomeweek.org/event-form/ All events must be announced before the start of IBIW, so that we have time to share them.

If you would like to help the Basic Income Week Team with creating content for YouTube and Instagram or network worldwide, please contact us by Email info at basicincomeweek.org or Social Media messenger - we need more volunteers for the upcoming year’s activities.

Sign up for our newsletter at https://basicincomeweek.org/contact-form/ to be kept up to date on Basic Income Week (about four most important Emails per year for choosing a motto, start and end).

Subscribe our Social Media Facebook/Twitter/Instagram @basicincomeweek and YouTube www.youtube.com/channel/UCTiEO6z-64srOofRBeHqAog

You find all at https://basicincomeweek.org

Thanks everyone!

Your Basic Income Week Team
If you do not want anymore this Basic Income Week Newsletter-Mails please answer me or use the contact form at https://basicincomeweek.org/contact-form/

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