[Grundeinkommen-Info] 19. Juni, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin: Debating Unconditional Basic Income: Views from the developing and the developed worlds

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Do Jun 15 05:59:09 CEST 2017


Monday, June 19th from 6 PM-8 PM

Debating Unconditional Basic Income:Views from the developing and the developed worlds 

A revival of the idea of basic income is a paramount feature of current times. Fromthe left to the right, throughout the political spectrum, voicesincreasingly converge in claiming that an unconditional basic income wouldaddress major social and structural problems such as today's technologicalunemployment and underemployment; extreme poverty; welfare traps and hiddendisincentives to work, freeing human beings from bureaucracy and poorjobs and enabling them to reach their potential.In such a polarized world is it possible that basic income may escape ideologiesand end up as a cure-all solution to persistent problems in relation to labor marketflexibility, new forms of entrepreneurialism, and growing concentration ofwealth? Would basic income reinvent work? Or would it reinforce the primacy ofmodern finance over our lives by generalizing social policy as a collateral to accessnew financial products? 

Round-table (open to the public) 

Opening: Lena Lavinas (WIKO) 

Moderator: Barbara Fritz (LAI - Freie Universität) 

Presenter: Yannick Vanderborght (Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles, Centre deRecherche en Science Politique (CReSPo & Chaire Hoover - Louvain University).Co-author, along with Philippe Van Parijs, of Basic Income, a Radical Proposalfor a Free Society and a Sane Economy (Harvard University Press 2017) 

Discussants: Anke Hassel (Hertie School of Governance), Claus Offe (Hertie School of Governance) 

Monday, June 19th from 6 PM-8 PM, at WIKOWissenschaftskolleg zu BerlinWallotstrasse 19, Large Colloquium Room. Grunewald - Berlin 14193 

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