[Grundeinkommen-Info] BIEN - Dublin, Call for papers
Rblaschke at aol.com
Rblaschke at aol.com
Di Jan 29 18:46:40 CET 2008
Im Juni diesen Jahres findet in Dublin der Basic Income Earth Network
(BIEN)- Kongress statt. Die unten stehende mail ruft zum Anmelden von
Präsentationen und schriftlichen Beiträgen bis zum 15. Feburar auf. Sollte es also
Interessierte geben, meldet euch doch.
Ich selbst überlege, zum Kongress zu fliegen, ob mit oder ohne Beitrag.
Begeisterte MitfliegerInnen können sich gern bei mir melden.
beste Grüße
Adeline Otto, _adeline_otto at hotmail.com_ (mailto:adeline_otto at hotmail.com)
Dear all,
Just a reminder that proposals for papers or presentations for the Basic
Income Earth Network (BIEN) congress on 20-21 June should be submitted
by 15 February - call for papers is attached and is also available at
_www.basicincomeireland.com_ (http://www.basicincomeireland.com/)
It would be great to use this opportunity for locally-based researchers and
activists to present their ideas about basic income to a wider, international
audience and to engage in debates over whether basic income is a
desirable policy for Ireland. Both academic papers and other presentations
are welcome, and we are particularly keen for civil society organisations to
Many people in Ireland are familiar with the long-standing advocacy for
basic income from CORI. What you may not be so familiar with are how the
issues are being approached in other countries. So even if you do not wish
to present a paper or presentation, I would encourage you to come to the
congress to get a sense of the world-wide debate.
If you want to know more about basic income, a good place to start is the
BIEN website at _www.basicincome.org_ (http://www.basicincome.org/)
all the best,
John Baker
UCD Equality Studies Centre,
UCD School of Social Justice,
UCD Dublin,
Dublin 4, Ireland
_www.ucd.ie/esc_ (http://www.ucd.ie/esc)
_www.ucd.ie/socialjustice_ (http://www.ucd.ie/socialjustice)
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