[Gen-Streitfall] [Fwd: Invitation to Conference "Epigenetics, Transgenic Plants & Risk Assessment"]

Wolfgang Wiebecke kigwa.ww at web.de
Di Okt 25 20:33:18 CEST 2005

Hallo zusammen,
hier sende ich Ihnen/Euch einen Terminhinweis auf eine wesentliche 
Tagung im Bereich Globalisierung und Ökologie weiter.

> -------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
> Betreff: 	Invitation to Conference "Epigenetics, Transgenic Plants & 
> Risk Assessment"
> Datum: 	Tue, 25 Oct 2005 13:49:59 +0200
> Von: 	Katja Moch <k.moch at oeko.de>
> Rückantwort: 	k.moch at oeko.de
> An: 	<kigwa.ww at web.de>
>Dear Madam / Sir,
>we would like to invite you to the conference "Epigenetics, Transgenic Plants & Risk Assessment" on December 1st 2005 in the Literaturhaus in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
>At this conference, we would like to discuss with you recent controversial scientific questions such as epigenetic effects, genome scrambling and the unintended effects of genetic engineering in plants intended for release and use in food and feed. Our speakers reflect a broad range of the latest scientific findings and arguments.
>For more information on the conference, please see the invitation attached. Please register in advance.
>The conference is organized by the Öko-Institut - Institute of Applied Ecology and Greenpeace.
>Yours sincerely, 
>Katja Moch
>Katja Moch
>Biodiversity, Nutrition & Agriculture Division
>Öko-Institut e.V.
>Institute for Applied Ecology
>P.O. Box 50 02 40, D-79028 Freiburg, Germany
>Street address: Merzhauser Strasse 173, D-79100 Freiburg, Germany
>Fone: 0761 - 45295-37
>Fax: 0761- 452-95-88
>k.moch at oeko.de

Dr. Wolfgang Wiebecke
Agrargruppe von Attac-Wtal
Meckelstr. 9
42285 Wuppertal
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