[Fr-diffusion] INVITATION : Solidarité Cuba-Argentine-Suisse: ma 11 déc. à 18h au Centre Fries à Fribourg

andrea duffour andreaduffour at gmail.com
Dim 9 Déc 22:31:05 CET 2018

Chers ami at s de la solidarité internationale

Notre prochaine activité de solidarité internationale aura lieu au centre
d'étudiants, à 2' de la gare de Fribourg, petit film, puis échange avec le
public, traduction esp-français avec casques puis on rejoindra les
étudiants du Fries pour partager un verre ou un repas.

L'opération miraculo* a déjà fait des miracles et rendu la vue gratuitement
à plus de 2 millions de personnes dans le monde entier et mérite être connu
par un public plus large

Pour le comité de l'association Suisse-Cuba, section Fribourg
Felicitas, David, François et Andrea

[image: affiche operation miraculo ASC Friburgo.jpg]
www.cuba-si.ch <https://www.cuba-si.ch/es/>

*Operation Miracle: an example of humanism and solidarity

On July 9, on the initiative of Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro and Hugo
Chávez, late president of Venezuela, Operation Miracle - a program
providing comprehensive medical care to patients suffering from a variety
of eye conditions - was founded

Author: Jesús Jank Curbelo <http://en.granma.cu/archivo?a=1515> |
informacion at granma.cu

july 11, 2016 10:07:42
Fidel meeting with doctors, including Eneida Pérez Candelaria ( far left)
and Marcelino Ríos Torres (seated at the table), prior to the founding of
Mission Miracle. *Photo*: Courtesy of Dr. Lizet Sánchez

On July 9, on the initiative of Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro and Hugo
Chávez, late president of Venezuela, Operation Miracle - a program
providing comprehensive medical care to patients suffering from a variety
of eye conditions* - *was founded.
According to figures provided by the Cuban Ophthalmology Institute, during
its first year only Venezuelan patients were treated under the program, at
the Ramón Pando Ferrer Hospital in Havana. Surgeries were also performed in
Santiago de Cuba and Holguín.
In 2005, the program was extended to other Caribbean, Central and South
American countries. Initially all patients traveled to Cuba to be treated,
however in 2006 ophthalmology centers were set up in various nations,
making treatment more readily available to those most in need.
In order to carry out the program modern technology was purchased and the
island’s ophthalmology services underwent a restoration process. Many Cuban
specialists, nurses, technicians and engineers were trained, while the
Cuban Ophthalmology Faculty was also founded, from which over 600
specialists have graduated to date.
Operation Miracle was initially implemented in Cuba, where it has been
gradually perfected over all levels of the healthcare system nationwide.
*According to the report, today there are currently 65 ophthalmology
centers, equipped with 93 operating theaters, in 18 countries across Latin
America, the Caribbean, and Africa, providing treatment to people in 34
nations. *
*Soon two million surgeries will have been performed under what is now
known as Mission Miracle,* “a precedent in our history of ophthalmologic
collaboration around the world, which makes said program a further example
of the internationalist character of our healthcare system,” noted Dr. Juan
Raúl Hernández Silva, the first Cuban ophthalmologist to perform eye
surgery in Venezuela in 2005.
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