<html><head></head><body><div style="font-family: Verdana;font-size: 12.0px;"><div class="kvgmc6g5 cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql ii04i59q">
<div><span class="d2edcug0 hpfvmrgz qv66sw1b c1et5uql oi732d6d ik7dh3pa ht8s03o8 a8c37x1j keod5gw0 nxhoafnm aigsh9s9 d3f4x2em fe6kdd0r mau55g9w c8b282yb iv3no6db jq4qci2q a3bd9o3v knj5qynh oo9gr5id hzawbc8m">APPLY FOR OUR COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT MA PROGRAM & FREESTANDING COURSE!</span><br/>
<div class="o9v6fnle cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql ii04i59q">
<div><span class="d2edcug0 hpfvmrgz qv66sw1b c1et5uql oi732d6d ik7dh3pa ht8s03o8 a8c37x1j keod5gw0 nxhoafnm aigsh9s9 d3f4x2em fe6kdd0r mau55g9w c8b282yb iv3no6db jq4qci2q a3bd9o3v knj5qynh oo9gr5id hzawbc8m">The spring application window for ComDev’s 1-year flagship MA course & Advances course are open from 15 March – 15 April 2021 and we are once again looking forward to receiving your application! </span></div>
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<div class="o9v6fnle cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql ii04i59q">
<div><span class="d2edcug0 hpfvmrgz qv66sw1b c1et5uql oi732d6d ik7dh3pa ht8s03o8 a8c37x1j keod5gw0 nxhoafnm aigsh9s9 d3f4x2em fe6kdd0r mau55g9w c8b282yb iv3no6db jq4qci2q a3bd9o3v knj5qynh oo9gr5id hzawbc8m">In addition to our one-year 60 credit MA program (<span><a class="oajrlxb2 g5ia77u1 qu0x051f esr5mh6w e9989ue4 r7d6kgcz rq0escxv nhd2j8a9 nc684nl6 p7hjln8o kvgmc6g5 cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x jb3vyjys rz4wbd8a qt6c0cv9 a8nywdso i1ao9s8h esuyzwwr f1sip0of lzcic4wl py34i1dx gpro0wi8" href="https://mau.se/en/study-education/programme/HACFD?fbclid=IwAR1CHo9_fYIKDaBaaVswUyA8F_-wSO8YkB_fV5Wrl6Hi5W2_2RMD8k8EpmQ" tabindex="0" target="_blank">https://mau.se/en/study-education/programme/HACFD</a></span>) we are also offering a free-standing 15 credit course Advances in Social Action, Planning and Evaluation (<span><a class="oajrlxb2 g5ia77u1 qu0x051f esr5mh6w e9989ue4 r7d6kgcz rq0escxv nhd2j8a9 nc684nl6 p7hjln8o kvgmc6g5 cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x jb3vyjys rz4wbd8a qt6c0cv9 a8nywdso i1ao9s8h esuyzwwr f1sip0of lzcic4wl py34i1dx gpro0wi8" href="https://mau.se/en/study-education/course/KK625B?fbclid=IwAR2xXRxqynEc5VpdX0zLxuR_zZq2495DkLiyuHC0nEzFMV2PeoRnKipDXU0" tabindex="0" target="_blank">https://mau.se/en/study-education/course/KK625B</a></span>).</span></div>
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<div class="o9v6fnle cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql ii04i59q">
<div><span class="d2edcug0 hpfvmrgz qv66sw1b c1et5uql oi732d6d ik7dh3pa ht8s03o8 a8c37x1j keod5gw0 nxhoafnm aigsh9s9 d3f4x2em fe6kdd0r mau55g9w c8b282yb iv3no6db jq4qci2q a3bd9o3v knj5qynh oo9gr5id hzawbc8m">Now in its 21st year, the MA program is a 50% full-time course (four semesters) taught in our online blended learning Glocal Classroom that we have pioneered, improved and enhanced since 2000!</span></div>
<div><span class="d2edcug0 hpfvmrgz qv66sw1b c1et5uql oi732d6d ik7dh3pa ht8s03o8 a8c37x1j keod5gw0 nxhoafnm aigsh9s9 d3f4x2em fe6kdd0r mau55g9w c8b282yb iv3no6db jq4qci2q a3bd9o3v knj5qynh oo9gr5id hzawbc8m">Please note that the description as "mixed hours" that central administration chose on the program site is a bit confusing as ComDev can be studied entirely online </span><span class="d2edcug0 hpfvmrgz qv66sw1b c1et5uql oi732d6d ik7dh3pa ht8s03o8 a8c37x1j keod5gw0 nxhoafnm aigsh9s9 d3f4x2em fe6kdd0r mau55g9w c8b282yb iv3no6db jq4qci2q a3bd9o3v knj5qynh oo9gr5id hzawbc8m">and that we strongly recommend to submit your letter of intent to enhance your chances of being offered a place & that we no longer offer a spring semester course start-so if you do not apply for autumn 2021 you will have to wait a full year for the next course!</span></div>
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<div class="o9v6fnle cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql ii04i59q">
<div><span class="d2edcug0 hpfvmrgz qv66sw1b c1et5uql oi732d6d ik7dh3pa ht8s03o8 a8c37x1j keod5gw0 nxhoafnm aigsh9s9 d3f4x2em fe6kdd0r mau55g9w c8b282yb iv3no6db jq4qci2q a3bd9o3v knj5qynh oo9gr5id hzawbc8m">As we are not directly reviewing applications, the best place to get general information about studying in Sweden (still <strong>no tuition fees for EU citizens & Swedish residents</strong>!) is the University Admission portal (<span><a class="oajrlxb2 g5ia77u1 qu0x051f esr5mh6w e9989ue4 r7d6kgcz rq0escxv nhd2j8a9 nc684nl6 p7hjln8o kvgmc6g5 cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x jb3vyjys rz4wbd8a qt6c0cv9 a8nywdso i1ao9s8h esuyzwwr f1sip0of lzcic4wl py34i1dx gpro0wi8" href="https://www.universityadmissions.se/intl/start?fbclid=IwAR0dW2_G6v_44--9lr8EkidU_E4IYtz0ZWa3icp_Fj9zHBTdeXjDneFDyfY" tabindex="0" target="_blank">https://www.universityadmissions.se/intl/start</a></span>).</span></div>
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<div class="o9v6fnle cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql ii04i59q">
<div><span class="d2edcug0 hpfvmrgz qv66sw1b c1et5uql oi732d6d ik7dh3pa ht8s03o8 a8c37x1j keod5gw0 nxhoafnm aigsh9s9 d3f4x2em fe6kdd0r mau55g9w c8b282yb iv3no6db jq4qci2q a3bd9o3v knj5qynh oo9gr5id hzawbc8m">If you have more specific questions about application procedures contact our colleagues at admissions(at)mau.se or drop comdev(at)mau.se a message for other queries you may have!</span></div>
<div class="o9v6fnle cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x c1et5uql ii04i59q">
<div><span class="d2edcug0 hpfvmrgz qv66sw1b c1et5uql oi732d6d ik7dh3pa ht8s03o8 a8c37x1j keod5gw0 nxhoafnm aigsh9s9 d3f4x2em fe6kdd0r mau55g9w c8b282yb iv3no6db jq4qci2q a3bd9o3v knj5qynh oo9gr5id hzawbc8m">Looking forward to your application and another global group of inspiring students!</span></div>
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<div><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;"><span style="font-family: Calibri , sans-serif;"><span style="color: black;">Dr. Tobias Denskus<br/>
Associate Professor Development Studies<br/>
Program Coordinator MA Communication for Development<br/>
Konst, kultur och kommunikation, K3 | School of Arts and Communication, K3<br/>
Malmö Universitet | Malmö University<br/>
205 06 Malmö, Sweden<br/>
+46 (0)70.369.2720<br/>
Personal blog: </span></span></span><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;"><span style="font-family: Calibri , sans-serif;"><span style="color: black;"><a href="http://www.aidnography.de" style="color: blue;text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank">http://www.aidnography.de</a></span></span></span><br/>
<span style="font-size: 11.0pt;"><span style="font-family: Calibri , sans-serif;"><span style="color: black;">Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/aidnography" style="color: blue;text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank">@aidnography</a></span></span></span></div>