[fome] Call for Abstract/Participation at Annual Conference - From Fragmentation to Participation at Leipzig University

Hazrat Bahar bahar at iuj.ac.jp
Do Mai 30 06:59:33 CEST 2024

Dear Sir or Madam,

We, EC4SC at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies of Leipzig
University, warmly invite you to submit your abstract to the conference “From
Fragmentation to Participation: Diaspora Communication in Germany Interfaces
between Research and Practice.” This conference focuses on communication
from, within and between diasporas in Germany.

Date: December 4th and 5th, 2024
Venue: Leipzig University

For more information regarding the conference and topics, click here:

Abstracts shall be between 400-500 words and should be submitted no later
than 15 Juli 2024. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified in the
last week of July 2024.

The best papers from the conference will also be published. This is a
unique opportunity for your work to be recognized and shared in
collaboration with a prestigious science journal or as a stand-alone

Best regards,
Hazrat Bahar

Email: hazrat.bahar at uni-leipzig.de
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Research Centre Development Communication - Communication for Social
Change (EC4SC)
University of Leipzig
Institute for Communication and Media Studies
Nikolaistrasse 27-29, 04109 Leipzig
Rooms 2.23 and 2.25
Website: https://www.sozphil.uni-leipzig.de/entwicklungskommunikation and
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