[fome] FoME Symposium 2024 | 30 Sep-1 Oct

Michel LEROY michel.leroy at tu-dortmund.de
Mo Jul 8 10:52:49 CEST 2024

 Dear all,

There are less than 100 days to go until the next FoME Symposium in
Dortmund! Get ready to register HERE
and find out more HERE <https://fome.info/symposium-2024-program>!
[image: Media Assistance Mind the Gap 2.jpg]
In these turbulent times, when the challenges facing the sector are
growing, there sometimes seems to be a widening gap between media
assistance and the actual development of the media in developing and
transition countries. Sometimes spectacular setbacks have wiped out years
of effort.
Building on the work of the working group launched last year to develop
avenues for improvement, Symposium 2024 will be organised around four
themes identified as cross-cutting issues for much-needed reform of the

   - the domination of Western normative concepts
   - local ownership
   - international coordination at local level
   - measuring impact

We will be exchanging information, examining specific cases of good and
not-so-good practice and discussing potential solutions to these
challenges, with industry experts, donor representatives and academics from
the international community.
[image: hosted by the Erich-Brost Institute for International
Get prepared for thought-provoking presentations, interactive workshops,
and engaging discussions. Don’t miss this inspiring opportunity to take
part into the conversation, network and collaborate.

Registration is open:

For further information see: fome.info

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

*FoME 2024 organising committee*
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