[fome] Launch of "How To Tolocar. Playbook for Mobile Makerspaces"

Victoria Wenzelmann vicy at posteo.de
Di Feb 6 10:40:29 CET 2024

Liebe Liste, 

Ich freu mich, dass wir im Tolocar Projekt morgen unser Playbook über fast 2 Jahre mobile Makerspaces in der Ukraine veröffentlichen. Noch mehr freue ich mich, wenn ihr eine Veröffentlichung machen wollt, oder in Austausch über ähnliche Projekte treten wollt - und ich stehe natürlich sehr gerne für Rückfragen zur Verfügung!

Viele Grüße, Vicy

FOR RELEASE ON February 7th, 2024

Launch of "How To Tolocar. Playbook for Mobile Makerspaces"

February 7th 2024 – Tolocar has been driving innovation and humanitarian relief through mobile makerspaces in Ukraine amidst the Russian war of aggression. 
The playbook for the groundbreaking project is available now. 
Tolocars are mobile makerspaces equipped with open-source machine tools, digital production technologies, and consumables, operated by a team of skilled makers.
The innovative approach enables on-site distributed manufacturing, strengthens emergency relief activities and catalyzes a participatory innovation ecosystem for Ukraine's socio-economic recovery. The project serves as a successful pilot for local initiatives, mobile makerspaces, and open-source technologies, enhancing production capabilities in Ukraine. 
How To Tolocar. Playbook for Mobile Makerspaces
The playbook reflects the iterative and pluralistic approach of this unprecedented project. By sharing best practices, lessons learned, and stories of specific activities, it aims to spark conversations with others who are interested in the topic: makers, humanitarian and development practitioners, researchers, product and process innovators, civil society organizations and the private sector.
The playbook is launched as a PDF on http://playbook.tolocar.org <http://playbook.tolocar.org/>. Hosted on Appropedia, the sustainability wiki, the playbook in its virtual form is a living document that will evolve as the project progresses: https://www.appropedia.org/Tolocar_Playbook 
Valeriya Ionan, Deputy Minister for Euro integration at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, states: “The Tolocars and their dedicated teams uplift Ukraine’s makers, civil society, and the innovation ecosystem across various sectors. Concurrently,they play a crucial role in supporting essential restoration endeavors and safeguarding our vibrant Ukrainian culture. We wholeheartedly endorse the Tolocar project, appreciating its dedication to both Ukraine, and the global pursuit of peer-to-peer digital capacity development, distributed manufacturing, and agile project management.”
Dr. Tobias Redlich, Managing Director of HIWW, states: “Our fleet of mobile makerspaces, each a hub of innovation and creativity, has traveled to different parts of Ukraine, bringing hope and empowerment to communities. This project has shown us the immense potential that lies in collaborative efforts, uniting people across borders and backgrounds in a shared mission.”
The Tolocar fleet is managed by Hamburger Institut für Wertschöpfungssystematik und Wissensmanagement (HIWW). It comprises 3 vans and 1 truck; these mobile makerspaces offer the potential for hands-on learning, creativity, and innovation, all while fostering community empowerment.

Tolocar is a project funded by the German Government and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with support of Hamburger Institut für Wertschöpfungssystematik und Wissensmanagement (HIWW) and At Stake gGmbH in close collaboration with Ukrainian and international partners betterplace lab, CADUS, Future Challenges, Global Innovation Gathering (GIG), Insha Osvita, MakerHub, MetaLab, and Ostriv Platform.
For more information on the Tolocar project and its commitment to innovation and relief efforts in Ukraine, please visit https://tolocar.org <https://tolocar.org/en>. 
Media Contact
Victoria Wenzelmann
info at tolocar.org <mailto:info at tolocar.org>  
+49 151 161 36591
Press Kit

●      Press Release (EN) <https://drive.google.com/open?id=11rF465QF9wm5BSkvZW5x8Wyj-ybAPCEY&usp=drive_fs>
●      Press Release (UA) <https://drive.google.com/open?id=128rhgl173rQTFeoWpYAOSDD3WPfL_cFp&usp=drive_fs>
●      Press Release (DE) <https://drive.google.com/open?id=123xjvMpBBEdnisCyh3ZFiVe7bQL_DSZv&usp=drive_fs>
●      Visuals
o   Social Media Visuals <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17_zIYNpScpDpYk31HL7sYm3OSl0diJaK?usp=drive_link> 
o   Tolocar-Logos <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SZIn0d3Dk6M0RQCoQ_Bhv50yiGvwJ3z5?usp=drive_link>
o   Playbook Cover <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Q5cTddxyiVp7VFH3d4nBAGiVsv-IrWKP?usp=drive_link>
o   General Tolocar photos for public use <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1puvRq0__ibhu1fyDitNKCRa1hCeblFnR?usp=drive_link>

Victoria Wenzelmann
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