[fome] Invitation: FILMCONNECT on August 29th - 'The Journey of a female filmmaker in Sierra Leone'

info at weltfilme.org info at weltfilme.org
Di Aug 20 10:18:11 CEST 2024

Dear members of the FoME list, 

We invite you to attend the virtual learning event FILMCONNECT on Thursday, August 29th, to hear “The Journey of a female filmmaker in Sierra Leone.”

Part of WELTFILME’s  <https://www.weltfilme.org/en/>work is supporting the community growth and sustainability initiatives of FILM NETWORK WEST AFRICA (FNWA). An exciting series initiated by our FNWA partners has been the networking and learning exchange series known as FILMCONNECT. These events, where we hear from stakeholders and filmmakers of FNWA partners organizations in Liberia, Ghana, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Togo, brings insight to local experiences in West African film industries.

The upcoming FILMCONNECT hosted by Sierra Leone Adult Education Association (SLADEA) <https://www.sladea.org/> is: "Aminata's Perspective (The Journey of a female filmmaker in Sierra Leone). The good, the bad and the ugly" with Aminata D. Bockarie, a Cinematographer, Video Editor, Scriptwriter and Director.” 
This year, Aminata’s documentary Sisters was in competition at 'Sehsüchte International Student Film Festival'. She was able to travel to Germany earlier this year to present the documentary and network with international filmmakers to bring new ideas and learning back to Sierra Leone. 

You can watch the documentary Sisters here: https://www.weltfilme.org/en/sisters/


Here’s the link for the FilmConnect on Thursday, August 29, at 12:00h (noon) GMT // 14:00 CEST. 


Meeting-ID: 822 7953 0273
Kenncode: 737984


We hope you will join us in attending this much awaited FILMCONNECT!

Warm regards, 

Frank Domhan
info at weltfilme.org

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