[fome] FW: [GFMD UKRAINE] Inquiry Regarding Emergency Support for Media Outlets in Ukraine

Andrea Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at cameco.org
Do Apr 11 10:47:24 CEST 2024

From: UKRAINE at gfmd.groups.io <UKRAINE at gfmd.groups.io> On Behalf Of Viktoriia Plokhotnichenko via groups.io
Sent: Montag, 1. April 2024 16:06
To: UKRAINE at gfmd.groups.io
Subject: [GFMD UKRAINE] Inquiry Regarding Emergency Support for Media Outlets in Ukraine

Dear colleagues,

We are reaching out urgently regarding the dire situation faced by media outlets in Ukraine.

Due to massive Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s critical infrastructure unleashed in the past days, the general capacity of Ukraine's energy sector has been declined. A number of Ukrainian cities and regions, especially those closer to the frontline  (e.g. Kharkiv<https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/03/23/7447790/>), are experiencing severe disruptions, leading to extended blackouts and hampering the work of the media outlets. At the same time, there is a huge need for journalists to work in the field in the affected regions and report damages and consequences.

In response to this situation, Lviv Media Forum resumes the Emergency Media Support Program<https://lvivmediaforum.com/en/page/programa-nevidkladnoyi-pidtrymky-media-vid-lvivskogo-mediaforumu-hto-ta-yak-mozhe-otrymaty-dopomogu-en> to assist Ukrainian media outlets in achieving energy independence and ensuring their continued operation during this challenging time. According to the needs assessment conducted by Lviv Media Forum R&D Department, among the energy needs of the media outlets are: power banks for cell phones and laptops, portable power stations, SIM-card Routers, Starlink. Among the other pressing needs: fuel for field trips and personal safety means (medical kits, tourniquets etc.).

If you have relevant programs or opportunities and are interested in supporting frontline media and journalists in Ukraine, please don't hesitate to reach out to Anhelina Stets, Head of the Project Management Office, at the following email address: stets at lvivmediaforum.com<mailto:stets at lvivmediaforum.com>.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Lviv Media Forum team
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