[FoME] Einladung, Belarus Book Release

Klaas Glenewinkel klaas at mict-international.org
Do Jul 13 15:28:29 CEST 2023

Dear friends!

Bloodlands 20/22 is a hardback photoalbum of texts in Belarusan (and a
couple in Ukrainian) dedicated to the 2020 Belarusan revolution and Russian
military aggression against Ukraine of 2022. It also includes Belarusan
translations of prominent Ukrainian authors: Vyacheslav Levytskyi, Lesyk
Panasiuk, Angie Siveria, Ivan Semesyuk, and Tanya Rodionova. The book is
beautifully enriched by about 40 photographs of the Belarusan revolution
and war in Ukraine by Ales Piletski and Stanislav Krupař.

As an Ukrainian resident, who is also a citizen of Belarus the territory of
v is used for aggression against Ukraine, Ales writings represents a
dramatic self-identity situation. His poetry and translations convey a
sharp and painful look at the deep and complicated collective trauma, and
at a controversial dialogue happening between the two nations progressing
along their postcolonial paths via different routes.

The full cost of the book will be donated to the rehabilitation centre
Lanka established by Belarusians in Ukraine. Donations can be made directly
to Lanka too: zvyano.org/en/lanka/

Skaryna Press is a Belarusan publishing house established in London in 2022.

Ihar Ivanou, director of the house, says, — «As a publishing house in the
diaspora, we aim to reflect its creative potential and support its active
role in the continuous development of Belarusians' self-understanding,
nationhood, and statehood. By virtue of being based in a different to
Belarus social, cultural, and political environment, Skaryna Press is able
to raise the issues and advocate for the values which may be overlooked or
even actively ignored in our home country».

Skaryna Press bookstore: skarynapress.sumupstore.com

[image: July 13 flyer.JPG]

[image: July 13 schedule.PNG]


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Klaas Glenewinkel
Managing Director

Media in Cooperation and Transition gGmbH
Brunnenstraße 9
10119 Berlin, Germany

P  +49 30 4849 302 16
M  +49 151 5042 3455
S  klaas.glenewinkel


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