[FoME] Invitation: Sudan, 26.4.23

Klaas Glenewinkel klaas at mict-international.org
Mo Apr 24 11:18:13 CEST 2023

*Sudan after the Apocalypse - Sudanese analysis and visions*

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear colleagues!

Having cooperated with very dear Sudanese colleagues since 2009, we truly
feel devastated by the harrowing news from their country. At the same time,
we are more determined than ever to contribute to a better future in Sudan
and hence are glad to extend to you an invitation to an online discussion
with three outstanding Sudanese media personalities. This online-event will
take place on Wednesday, the *26th of April 2023 at 4pm CET

Urban warfare has been raging in the Sudanese capital Khartoum and other
main cities for more than a week, sparked by a power struggle between two
warlords. Hundreds, possibly thousands of people have been killed by
indiscriminate shelling and gunfire, hundreds of thousands, if not millions
of civilians have fled their homes. Once bustling Khartoum, which used to
be the safest city in Africa until recently, has virtually become a ghost

As the term "apocalypse" literally means "revelation", we shall both
analyse the current situation and disclose positive visions for a
post-apocalyptic Sudan. Once more inspired by the incredible solidarity
amongst its citizens we ask: What roles can civil society and especially
the media play? Which lessons should we draw from the widely praised
revolutionary neighbourhood committees?

Three esteemed experts from inside and outside the country have already
agreed to discuss these and other issues with us and with you: *Zeinab
Mohamed Salih*, a longtime contributor to our own *The Niles* project and
regional correspondent for The Guardian, *Reeem Shawkat*, Assistant Editor
for The Niles, and *Dr. Magdi Elgizouli*, senior fellow of the *Rift Valley

Due to the fluidity of the situation in Sudan, others may join the panel on
short notice. The discussion will be moderated by *Roman Deckert*, who has
worked on and in Sudan since 1997.

*Date and Time: Wednesday, the 26th of April 2023 at 4pm CET

To join, please contact me directly at *klaas at mict-international.org
<klaas at mict-international.org>* by the 26th of April before 1pm. Registered
participants will receive the video call link before the event.

*About us in Sudan: *MiCT has collaborated with a wide range of
stakeholders in Sudan since 2009, including journalists, political parties,
musicians, environmentalists, academics, civil society activists, and
wikipedians. As part of this work, we worked with some remarkable Sudanese
musicians, including Majzoub Onsa, to create a music video that called for
free and fair elections during the 2010 elections - a milestone in Sudan's
political history, as it marked the first time in 25 years that democratic
elections were held in the country.

Watch here MiCT´s first music video from Sudan https://youtu.be/WUDuRO9oiqQ

We look forward to welcoming you and your input!

Klaas Glenewinkel and Roman Deckert

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Klaas Glenewinkel
Managing Director

Media in Cooperation and Transition gGmbH
Brunnenstraße 9
10119 Berlin, Germany

P  +49 30 4849 302 16
M  +49 151 5042 3455
S  klaas.glenewinkel


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