[FoME] The global faith and media study: a groundbreaking study of attitudes and perceptions regarding faith and religion in the media

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at cameco.org
Mo Nov 21 08:43:46 CET 2022

The global faith and media study
HarrisX, Faith & Media Initiative, 2022

Part One of the Global Faith and Media Index study consisted of 30+ in-depth interviews with English-speaking journalists who are geographically distributed across 6 continents and write in English and/or local languages. Part Two of the Index study was conducted between August 26-September 9, 2022 among 9,489 adults in 18 countries across six continents via online surveys and covers the world's major religions with translations and localizations in English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, French and Arabic. The study included minimum benchmarks for religious and non-religious individuals to reflect the general population of each country.

Findings at-a-glance: 
. There is a growing gap between the coverage of religion and the needs of the faithful-global desire for better coverage, understanding and representation of faith in media. 
. 53%of respondents say the media actively ignores religion as an aspect of society and culture today. 
. 59% of respondents believe it's important that the news media covers a diverse set of faith and religious perspectives or content.
. 63% of people globally said that high quality content on faith and religion is needed in their respective countries.
. People want faith and religious stereotypes to be addressed: 61% say media perpetuates these stereotypes rather than protects against them. 78% believe such stereotypes should get the same or more attention as race and gender stereotypes.
. 8 in 10 believe faith and religious groups must provide more relevant spokespeople: over 85% want more diversity and lived experiences from these representatives (among those who feel faith and media groups must do more).
. Journalists feel that coverage of faith & religion is poor, inconsistent, and becoming more marginalized. They express fear around 'getting right' religious coverage, particularly in largely secular newsrooms. Religious stories are not seen as a good fit for 'hard' news, easier to do 'soft' coverage and focus 'hard' news on times of controversy or scandal.


Christoph Dietz
Catholic Media Council (CAMECO)
Postfach 10 21 04 
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mailto:christoph.dietz at cameco.org

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