[FoME] Program & Tickets fome22 symposium

Katharina Finke katharina.finke at interlink.academy
Do Jun 2 23:28:03 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues and friends, 

Interlink Academy is very happy to inform you that you can now buy tickets for fome22 Symposium here: bit.ly/ <http://bit.ly/fome22ticket> <>fome22ticket <http://bit.ly/fome22ticket>

The Forum Media & Development conference is dedicating this year’s conference: ‘Dealing with the Past - Preparing for the Future” - Media Assistance in Conflict Mitigation, Reconciliation and Peacebuilding'. 
It will take place on September 13th and 14th 2022 in Hamburg on Bucerius Law School’s premises and is organised by the Interlink Academy for International Dialog ad Journalism in partnership with and financed by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Additional support by ZEIT-Stiftung, the City of Hamburg and CAMECO. 

The sessions are designed by Cameco, Deutsche Welle Academy, Fondation Hirondelle, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Interlink Academy, Idem, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, n-oster, Reporters without Borders, Thompson Foundation, Weltfilme and  ZHAW and we are inviting  international speakers among others from Bosnia, Colombia, Ghana, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, USA and Zimbabwe. 
Check out the program for fome22 symposium here: https://fome.info/symposium-2022-program <https://fome.info/symposium-2022-program>

If you already want to book a hotel - we recommend to get a room in the Motel One Hamburg am Michel <https://www.motel-one.com/de/hotels/hamburg/hotel-hamburg-am-michel/> for a better networking experience, as many of our invited speakers will stay there. 

Please visit the official website for more information in the event and updates: https://fome.info/ <https://fome.info/>, as well as www.interlink.academy <http://www.interlink.academy/> 
For individual inquieres feel free to contact me directly: katharina.finke at interlink.academy <mailto:katharina.finke at interlink.academy> 

Hope to see you all in Hamburg! 

Kind regards, 
Katharina Finke 

Katharina Finke
Interlink Academy for International Dialog and Journalism gUG
Amtsgericht Hamburg Reg. No. HRB 134510


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