[FoME] Zimbabwe on the fome22 Symposium in Hamburg

Katharina Finke katharina.finke at interlink.academy
Do Jul 28 16:07:43 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues, 

‘Dealing with the Past and Preparing for the Future’ is the theme of this year’s fome Symposium. The session organised by Interlink Academy deals with the question: ‘How can we do that?’ Four People (Lungile Ngewenya, Bhekizulu Tshuma, Latricia Nleya, Zenzele Ndebele) from Centre For Innovation and Technology in Zimbabwe will report about it from Matabeleland. 

Are you curious now? Then check our the program here: https://fome.info/symposium-2022-program <https://fome.info/symposium-2022-program>  and get your ticket online: bit.ly/fome22ticket <http://bit.ly/fome22ticket>

Please visit the official website for more information in the event and updates: https://fome.info/ <https://fome.info/>, as well as www.interlink.academy <http://www.interlink.academy/> 
For individual inquieres feel free to contact me directly: katharina.finke at interlink.academy <mailto:katharina.finke at interlink.academy> 

Looking forward to meeting you all in Hamburg - September 13th and 14th 2022! 

Kind regards, 
Katharina Finke 

Katharina Finke
Interlink Academy for International Dialog and Journalism gUG
Amtsgericht Hamburg Reg. No. HRB 134510


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