[FoME] Call: Assessment of Constructive Journalism in Sub-Sahara Africa

Dr. Dennis Reineck dennis.reineck at dw.com
Mi Dez 14 13:32:06 CET 2022

Dear FoME members,

we are seeking experts with Constructive Journalism and regional expertise in Sub-Sahara Africa to conduct an independent assessment of a project line of the Initiative for Transparency and Media Freedom, starting January 1, 2023 or as soon as possible, on the basis of invoicing.

DW Akademie is Deutsche Welle's center for international media development, journalism training and knowledge transfer. Our projects strengthen the human right to freedom of expression and unhindered access to information. DW Akademie empowers people worldwide to make independent decisions based on reliable facts and constructive dialogue. DW Akademie is a strategic partner of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We also receive funding from the Federal Foreign Office and the European Union.

More information on the assignment: https://akademie.dw.com/en/public-invitation-to-tender-assessment-of-constructive-journalism-fellowship-in-sub-saharan-africa/a-64077922

More about DW Akademie: www.dw-akademie.com<http://www.dw-akademie.com>

We look forward to receiving your application by 22nd of December 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Dennis Reineck (dennis.reineck at dw.com<mailto:dennis.reineck at dw.com>).

Please feel free to forward this information to interested parties.

Dennis Reineck
Senior Consultant
Research and Evaluation

DW (Deutsche Welle) | Voltastr. 6 | 13355 Berlin | Germany
T +49.30.4646.8546<tel:+493046468546> | dennis.reineck at dw.com<mailto:dennis.reineck at dw.com>

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D90EF6.37EFDAF0]<https://www.dw.com/en/dw-akademie/about-us/s-9519>

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