[FoME] Invitation, FOME Symposium 2021
Klaas Glenewinkel
klaas at mict-international.org
Fr Sep 24 13:41:11 CEST 2021
Liebe Liste, Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
wir freuen uns Sie/Euch zum diesjährigen *FOME Symposium* *2021*
einzuladen. Das Symposium findet am 18. und 19. November im Atrium der FAZ
in Berlin statt und wird live im Internet übertragen. Ich freue mich auf
eine spannende Veranstaltung!
Viele Grüsse
Klaas Glenewinkel
*Fome Symposium 2021Believe it or Not! Enquiries about TRUST in media
(assistance)18th-19th November 2021*
im FAZ Atrium (and online), Mittelstrasse 2-4, 10117 Berlin
Why is trust in media eroding (is it?), and why do people watch news they
do not trust? How is trust in media affected by insecurity and fragile
statehood, by crisis, transformation or authoritarian rule? What about
healthy media scepticism - isn't that what we need most?
For years, distrust in the media has been on the rise due to increased
economic competition between media channels and the subsequent ‘race to the
bottom’ to snag clicks and advertisers. During the past two years, the
question of TRUST IN MEDIA has gained even more significance all over the
world as the Corona pandemic tests the resilience to crises of media and
audiences alike. Journalists struggle with the fast pace of events, with
statistical riddles and a lack of expert knowledge. Partisanship and media
polarization are undermining the role of media as reliable source of
The Forum Media and Development (fome) is dedicating it´s 2021 Symposium to
the question of TRUST IN MEDIA. The conference will shed light on how armed
conflict, fragile statehood or authoritarian rule is affecting media
perception and trust in media in the Global South. Fome21 will further
discuss the role of media assistance in restoring trust and how issues with
trust play a role among stakeholders in media assistance programs.
Fome21 is organized by *Media in Cooperation and Transition (MiCT)* in
partnership with and financed by the *Konrad Adenauer Stiftung *with
additional support provided by the German Federal Foreign Office and the
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
A detailed program is available on https://fome.info/symposium-2021-program.
The Registration fee is 60,00 EUR (including a lunchbag on both days,
coffee breaks and drinks)
To register please contact Jomana Bakhiet at MiCT:
jomana at mict-international.org
Keynotes by* Benjamin Toff *(Lead researcher in the Trust in News Project
at Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism) and* Nicole Stremlau
Professor in the Humanities at the University of Johannesburg)
*With contributions by: *Hazrat Bahar (Kabul/Shanghai University), Anke
Fiedler (MiCT/LMU), Anja Wollenberg (MiCT), Ferhat Boratav (CNN Türk),
Galina Arapova (Mass Media Defence Center, Russia), Stella Suge (FilmAid
Kenya), Anastasia Valeeva (School of Data in Kyrgyzstan and Russia),
Altynai Mambetova (School of Data in Kyrgyzstan and Russia), Christoph
Spurk (Institute for Applied Media Studies, Zurich), Siddharth Varadarajan
(The Wire India), Lisa Dittmer (RSF Germany), Kwabena Eddie Mankata (YMCA
Ghana), Aseye Tamakloe (NAFTI Ghana), Vinod Pavarala (UNESCO), Vivienne
Marara (ZACRAS), Tom Mboya (KCOMNET), Said Nazir (Tribal News Network,
Pakistan), Ines Drefs (MEDAS 21), Werner Eggert (Interlink Academy), Adnan
Aamir, (Journalist, Pakistan), Joseph Odindo (Aga Khan University Nairobi).
*Fome21 is co-hosted by:* CAMECO, Deutsche Welle Academy, EC4SC4/Institut
für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft der Universität Leipzig,
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Interlink Academy,
Institute of Applied Media Studies Zurich (IAM), Institut für Demokratie,
Medien und Kulturaustausch (IDEM), MEDAS 21, Reporter ohne Grenzen, Thomson
Foundation, Weltfilme.
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Klaas Glenewinkel
Managing Director
Media in Cooperation and Transition gGmbH
Brunnenstraße 9
10119 Berlin, Germany
P +49 30 4849 302 16
M +49 151 5042 3455
S klaas.glenewinkel
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