[FoME] ECPMF Internship | Policy and Programme

Andreas Lamm | ECPMF andreas.lamm at ecpmf.eu
Di Mai 11 17:13:39 CEST 2021

Guten Tag,

Ich würde gern mit allen in dieser Liste unser neues Praktikumsangebot teilen.
Bei Interesse gern unter journalistsinresidence at ecpmf.eu bewerben oder an Interessent:innen weiterleiten.

Beste Grüße
Andreas Lamm

#############################Internship | Policy and Programme

This internship is a part of the project funded by National Endowment for Democracy (NED). It includes an active involvement in the activities of the Journalists-in-Residence Programme, as well as regular cooperation with the advocacy officer and communications team.

Length of internship: 3 months, full-time (40h/week)

Allowance: 400 Euro

Start: 15th of June 2021

Your tasks:
Assistance for Journalists-in-Residence program manager
Help organising meetings of working group for temporary relocation managers
Help organising advocacy roundtables
Help organising an expert talk on Ukraine
Monitoring and documenting media freedom violations in Russian-speaking European countries
Communications tasks
About you:
You are interested in international journalism and human rights
You are fluent in English and Russian. Advanced language skills in Ukrainian and/or German are a plus
You are well-organized, curious, a fast learner and proactive team player
You are computer-savvy and familiar with digital image editing as well as working with content management systems
You are currently enrolled at a German or other university, or Fachhochschule, are in between your Bachelor and Master studies or graduated within the last 3 months and in search of work experience
You legally reside in Germany
What we offer:
Become part of an international team that stands up for media freedom every day
An insight and active involvement in different working fields of ECPMF, including protection, advocacy and communications
Hands-on experience in a small, dynamic NGO operating across Europe
One-to-one mentoring

Great! We’re looking forward to your application. Please send us your cover letter and resume by 23h59 CEST 19th of May and tell us why we should choose you, via journalistsinresidence at ecpmf.eu

More job opportunities you find here: https://www.ecpmf.eu/about/work-with-us/

Andreas Lamm (he/him) | Deputy Managing Director & Art Director
European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Menckestraße 27, 04155 Leipzig/Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 341 200 403 22
Mobile: +49 (0) 176 960 270 53

M | andreas.lamm at ecpmf.eu
W | www.ecpmf.eu <http://www.ecpmf.eu> – www.mapmf.org <http://www.mapmf.org>follow us: Twitter/Facebook @ECPMF

Europäisches Zentrum für Presse- und Medienfreiheit, SCE mit beschränkter Haftung
Menckestr. 27 / 04155 Leipzig / Germany – Tel: +49 (0) 341 200 403 13 / Fax: +49 (0) 341 562 96 63
VAT ID: DE314617313 – Genossenschaftsregister des Amtsgerichts Leipzig: GnR 534
Vorstand: Yannis Kotsifos (Vorstandsvorsitzender), Galina Arapova, Rebecca Harms, Stephan Seeger, Ljiljana Smajlović
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende: Lucie Sýkorová – Managing Director: Dr. Lutz Kinkel

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