[FoME] 📢 Call for Tenders - n-ost

Andreas Schmiedecker | n-ost schmiedecker at n-ost.org
Fr Jan 15 11:08:41 CET 2021

Dear fome-colleagues,

happy to share with you the call for tenders 
also below) - we still accept mentions of interest until Jan 25, full 
application until Feb 8, study will be due on April 4.
Maybe you have someone in your network that would be a good fit?
I'll be happy to answer any questions!

Andreas from n-ost
📢 Call for Tenders Feasibility study for a Project to Develop A 
Transnational Media Network & 3 Platforms for Resilient & Independent 
Online Journalism in EaP Countries


Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to share with you our current Call for tenders.

For our upcoming 4-year project “*A Transnational Media Network and 
Three Thematic Platforms for Resilient and Independent Online Journalism 
in Eastern Partnership Countries*”, the international media NGO n-ost is 
inviting tenders for an*independent feasibility study preceding* its 
implementation. Based on an assessment of the initial objectives and 
planned methodology, we are looking for recommendations on how to 
maximize the project’s impact while minimizing risks.

You can find the Call for Tenders here! 

The study must be carried out by independent experts with technical, 
methodological, and practical expertise as well as regional knowledge 
who provide a detailed report of max. 30 pages (final report to be 
submitted until April 4th 2021). It is intended as a basis for the 
cooperation with international partners in the region, and for the 
common planning and implementation of the project activities. This 
project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic 
Cooperation and Development.

Feel free to contact Andreas Schmiedecker (schmiedecker at n-ost.org 
<mailto:schmiedecker at n-ost.org>) for any questions and inquiries.
We look forward to your applications!
Happy holidays,
Frauke Seebass (n-ost)




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n-ost e.V.
Alexandrinenstraße 2-3 | 10969 Berlin
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<mailto:mail at n-ost.org>

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