[FoME] CfP Feldforschung im globalen Süden, Fokus auf Medientech

F.v.Franque mail at von-franque.com
Mo Mär 16 07:34:16 CET 2020

Liebe Liste,

anbei ein CfP aus der Ethnologie, der dennoch etwas mit Medien zu tun hat:

(Coping with) Messiness in Ethnography ? Methods, Ethics and
Participation in ethnographic Field Work in the non-Western World
Workshop at ECSCW 2020, June 14h, 2020, Siegen, Germany

"For 30 years, the ECSCW conference has served as a major international
venue for defining and further developing the agenda for CSCW research,
which has been focusing on the understanding of cooperative work
practices and investigation of the mediational role of computer
technology in it.”

Die Community, die in der Sphäre “(European) Computer Supported
Cooperative Work” unterwegs ist, beforscht Medienpraktiken und
Medienaneignung in unterschiedlichen Kontexten. In unserem Workshop
wollen wir gemeinsam darüber reflektieren, was es bedeutet Feldforschung
im globalen Süden/nicht-westlichen Regionen zu betreiben, *mit dem Fokus
auf der Nutzung von Medientechnologien *(sei sie politischer,
kultureller oder ziviler Natur) und vor welchen (methodischen)
Herausforderungen wir dabei stehen. Beispiele dafür sind die IT-Nutzung
von (Online)Aktivisten, politische Teilhabe durch Medien oder
Digitalisierung von Kulturgütern.


·      Submission deadline: April 10th, 2020

·      Notification of acceptance: April 24th, 2020

·      Camera Ready Papers Deadline: May 22nd, 2020

·      Workshop day: June 14th, 2020


This one-day workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers as well as
practitioners and activists to discuss challenges in conducting
ethnographic fieldwork by the book(s) and to start working on guidelines
that are more practical and viable to adapt in non-Western contexts. The
topics include but are not limited to research and design ethics and
genuine participation of ?users? as partners in conducting research,
designing and implementing interventions (be it social, cultural or
technical). This will be used to inform new guidelines and approaches to
ethnographic fieldwork that could prove more beneficial in politically
charged, infrastructural challenged and underfunded regions.

We invite anyone interested in participating to submit a two to
four-page position paper. Papers should critically reflect upon the
authors? experiences from the field or research area related to
challenges they face when conducting ethnographic field work. Authors?
prior experience does not have to be specifically concerned with these
challenges, but the position papers will be expected to demonstrate how
their experience is relevant to the workshop?s topic and can be applied
within the workshops? context.

Submissions should be sent to
sarah.rueller at uni-siegen.de<mailto:sarah.rueller at uni-siegen.de> in .pdf
format. Position papers will be reviewed based on relevance and
potential for contribution to the workshop. Details regarding
presentations of work will be provided with acceptance notifications. At
least one co-author of each accepted paper must register to the ECSCW
2020 conference to attend the workshop.

·      Position paper are up to 4 pages in length using the ECSCW
Exploratory paper format

·      Position papes should be submitted in PDF format (non-anonymized)
to sarah.rueller at uni-siegen.de<mailto:sarah.rueller at uni-siegen.de>

·      Submission deadline: April 10th, 2020

·      Papers will be selected on the basis of their quality, compliance
with the workshop themes, and the extent (and diversity) of their

·      The workshop is planned as a full day event into group work sessions

·      Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted position
paper must attend the workshop.

·      See the main conference site for more information on registration

Sarah Rüller, University of Siegen
Konstantin Aal, University of Siegen
Marios Mouratidis, University of Siegen
Nina Boulus-Rødje, Roskilde University
Dave Randall, University of Siegen
Bryan Semaan, Syracuse University
Volker Wulf, University of Siegen

Web: http://messy-ethnography.org/
E-Mail: sarah.rueller at uni-siegen.de<mailto:sarah.rueller at uni-siegen.de>

Sarah Rüller M.Sc.
Research Associate and PhD student

YALLAH! Project Coordination //
CRC 1187 - Media of Cooperation
Digital Publics and Social Transformation in the Maghreb

University of Siegen // Information Systems and New Media

Dr. Friederike von Franqué

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