[FoME] study on digital threats against exiled activists + journalists
Marcus Michaelsen
marcusmichaelsen at yahoo.com
Mi Mär 4 16:30:56 CET 2020
Dear FoME-members,
some of you might be interested in this recent report on tactics and tools of digitally enabled repression against exiled activists from Egypt, Syria and Iran. The report is the outcome of a 1-year research project funded by the Open Technology Fund.
>From the introduction:
Authoritarian regimes have long used a variety of repressive tools to control, silence, and punish dissidents living beyond their borders. Yet the advent of the Internet—and its central role in activist communities—has changed the means by which these regimes choose to intimidate those who would dare speak out against them. Today, subtle but pervasive forms of online transnational repression are increasingly common. Activists living outside their homeland are now more likely to encounter digital surveillance, threats, and smear campaigns designed to stifle their opposition and induce self-censorship. Yet the extent to which these tools are used, as well as their overall impact, remain largely unexplored. What tools actually exist in these new digital “toolkits” of transnational repression? And how successful are they in disrupting cross-border information flows?
I continue working on this topic at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Should you be interested in any form of exchange or in reporting on the research findings, do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best wishes,Marcus Michaelsen
Marcus Michaelsen, PhD
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow
Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS) Research Group
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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