[FoME] Recent #mediadev publications

Cletus Barie cletus.barie at dw.com
Fr Jul 17 13:28:25 CEST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Please let me draw your attention to articles recently published on https://dw.com/mediadev.

#mediadev is DW Akademie's online resource providing insights and analysis on freedom of expression, media freedom and digital rights in international development cooperation.

I'm sure you'll enjoy the reading.

Kind regards


C. Gregor Barié
Head Advocacy and Partnerships
Policy and Learning
DW Akademie

Deutsche Welle (DW)
Voltastr. 6
13355 Berlin

T +49.30.4646.8523
F +49.30.4646.8505
M +49.172.3217313
cletus.barie at dw.com


Tracking success
Investigative journalists are crucial watchdogs of society, uncovering secrets and exposing scandals. But with donors increasingly keen to fund their work, can the impact of investigative journalism be measured?

Interview with Martin Scott: Philanthropists must fill the gaps
Private foundations can be part of a rescue plan for economically stricken media outlets. But like all forms of funding, this carries with it a set of implications, says media scholar Martin Scott.

Digital authoritarianism on the rise?
Tracing apps, website blocking, and Internet shutdowns: During the Covid-19 crisis digital rights are under threat. Once in place, state measures to control Covid-19 risk being here to stay.

Interview with Translators without Borders: The right kind of words 
In emergencies, information saves lives. But language barriers can block aid efforts, leaving people at risk. Translators without Borders’ Mia Marzotto explains how to overcome those challenges.

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