[FoME] Job offer: Two positions as project manager (part time; Berlin)

Linda Walter linda at futurechallenges.org
Mo Aug 31 14:07:56 CEST 2020

Dear FoME-list members,

we are seeking *two part time project manager (Berlin) *for the *digital
human rights lab* <https://digitalhumanrightslab.org/> in Uganda. The main
goal of the project is to strengthen human rights in Uganda through the
effective and innovative use of digital infrastructure and tools as well as
to establish a digital mindset in various target groups.

Please find further details here:

Teilzeit Projektmanagement (Controlling und Partner) – digital human rights
Part time project manager (website and partner) – digital human rights lab

Best regards,
Linda Walter


Linda Walter

Fon:       +49 178 5218785
Skype:     lindahewalter
Mail:      linda at futurechallenges.org
PGP:       8D19 7764 9AEF 9B73 B722 C951 999F 4FC6 0AFF 8543

Future Challenges e.V.
Glogauer Str. 21
1. Hof rechts, 1. Stock
10999 Berlinwww.futurechallenges.org

Eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Nr. VR 33192 B

Sitz und Gerichtsstand: Berlin
Vorstand gem. § 26 BGB: Linda Walter, Eike Leonhardt, Mario Wiedemann

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