[FoME] Measuring Global Media Freedom - new book

Laura Moore laura.moore at dw.com
Mi Apr 22 17:57:56 CEST 2020

Dear FoME list colleagues,

 in times of widespread populism, disinformation and mistrust in the 
media, it is vitally important to have an assessment tool for media 
freedom that is accepted across cultures.

How can media freedom around the world be measured in a more objective, 
unbiased and transparent way? 

What are different concepts of media freedom and how do they vary across 
world regions? 

And what are the strengths and weaknesses of existing media freedom 
indices and rankings? 

I would like to inform you that my book "Measuring Global Media Freedom" 
has been published - and tries to give answers to these questions.

Brief summary: 

The Media Freedom Analyzer developed by Laura Schneider (now Laura Moore - 
:-)) is a new way to measure global media freedom in a more objective, 
unbiased and transparent way. Grounded in the opinions of around 1000 
experts from 126 countries, the index is the first empirically validated 
tool to assess free and independent media across the world. The existing 
press freedom rankings are frequently criticized for being arbitrary and 
having a Western bias. This book tackles this very problem. In times of 
widespread populism, disinformation and mistrust in the media, it is 
vitally important to have an assessment tool that is accepted across 

I hope you find it interesting and am looking forward to discussing this 
topic with you.

Best wishes to all, and stay healthy!

Dr. Laura Moore
Head of Research and Evaluation
Policy and Concepts
DW Akademie

Deutsche Welle (DW)
Voltastr. 6
13355 Berlin

T +49.30.4646-8518
M +49.152.01882083
laura.moore at dw.com

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