[FoME] Invitation, Mass Media involvement in the Middle East and North Africa
Klaas Glenewinkel
klaas at mict-international.org
Fr Nov 22 10:29:56 CET 2019
Liebe Liste,
bei unserem diesjährigen X-Mas Meet-up geht es um die Rolle lokaler Medien vs. nationaler Medien in der MENA Region.
Davor, währenddessen und danach reichen wir heissen Glühwein und Dominosteine aus der leckersten Traditionsbäckerei Ostberlins.
Anmeldungen bitte unter https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/media-development/events/266658431/
Viele Grüsse
Klaas Glenewinkel
Mass Media involvement in the Middle East and North Africa: a roundtable on the role of local media in the context of transition and fragile statehood.
MiCT together with the Free University Berlin is holding an open house for anyone interested to join a discussion on the role of local media in the current transition of the MENA region.
High profile media experts from Jordan, Iraq, Libya and Tunisia will be there to present their assessment and answer your questions.
These media experts have participated in a research project on media structures in their countries and gather in Berlin to discuss the findings of that study (funded by the Arab-German Young Academy of sciences and humanities).
In the afternoon of Friday, the 13th of December (5.30 pm) we invite you to join a Q&A session with our guests.
The event is a casual, open format facilitated by Jannis Grimm (desk officer for the MENA region at the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation).
Please bring your questions, your colleagues and your curiosity.
13th December / 5.30pm / MiCT
Brunnenstrasse 9 (U-Bahn Rosenthaler Platz)
5th floor
10119 Berlin
Please register here: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/media-development/events/266658431/
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