[FoME] Save the date: FoME Symposium 2019, November 7-8, Bonn

Steffen Leidel steffen.leidel at dw.com
Fr Jun 7 14:19:34 CEST 2019

Dear Friends, 
DW Akademie and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung cordially invite you to Bonn 
on November 7-8, 2019 to the FOME Symposium, 2019 to discuss challenges 
ahead for the international media development community. 

We all know that digital transformation has created unprecedented 
opportunities and enormous challenges in the information ecosystem. 
Innovation in technology provides new opportunities to inform and social 
platforms open unparalelled ways of engaging with audiences. Societies, 
however, face increasingly complex challenges on how to balance free 
speech with misinformation and hate speech, promote freedom of information 
while respecting individual privacy and produce good quality information 
amidst fundamentally changing business models in media. 

During the FOME Symposium 2019, under the title  "Rethinking media 
development - new actors, new technologies and new strategies", we will 
debate how we can best tackle these challenges. 

So please SAVE THE DATE! 

when:  Thursday, 7 November and Friday, 8 November, 2019 
where: Deutsche Welle, Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 3, 53113 Bonn 

More information on the programme and registration in September! 

We hope to see you in Bonn!
Best regards 
Steffen Leidel

Head Digital Innovation and Knowledge Management
Policy and Concepts

DW Akademie

Deutsche Welle (DW)
Voltastr. 6
13355 Berlin

T +49.30.4646-8532
F +49.30.4646-8505
M +49.178.7997126
steffen.leidel at dw.com


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