[FoME] Where to get the reader "Journalism and Journalism Education in Developing Countries"?
Christoph Dietz
Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Fr Dez 6 16:39:33 CET 2019
Dear Werner and colleagues,
thank you for sharing this stimulating collection on journalism education in Asia and elsewhere.
But where is the book available? According to the website of the Indian publisher it is "out of stock", and comparison portals for books (like 'Justbooks') don't list it.
Is the book so popular that it is already out of print, or is there a distribution problem?
Several co-authors of the book are also active on the FoME list and may have an idea how interested people and institutions can acquire it :-).
Christoph Dietz
Postfach 10 21 04
D-52021 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 14
Fax: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 33
christoph.dietz at cameco.org
>>> "Werner Eggert" <werner.eggert at interlink.academy> 06.12.2019 13:41 >>>
Dear Friends,
For those of you who are interested: Beatrice Dernbach und Beate Illg have published a new reader relevant for media development work: Journalism and Journalism Education in Developing Countries. I contributed a few pages on e-learning. ;-)
Please see the attached pdf for details on the book.
Werner Eggert
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