[FoME] September School "Media and Migration" in Rabat

Christina Stucky christina.stucky at gmail.com
Do Apr 25 14:21:10 CEST 2019

Many thanks for this, Nadia. I'll gladly share it in my network.

Just two points as feedback: the language in this sentence strikes me as
problematic. "How do African media report – and frame – the current massive
exodus of fellow countrymen?"
Firstly, "massive exodus" is a distortion and is exactly the type of
language used by right-wing, anti-migrant politicians and media. I live in
Switzerland where the right-wing party SVP launched a plebiscite with the
name "Masseneinwanderungsinitiative" with the intention of creating the
impression that the country is being overrun by migrants.
Secondly, "citizens" would have been better than "countrymen". That's not
being overly "politically correct". The majority of migrants may be men,
but let's not exclude women migrants from the discussion (or from the media

Best wishes

On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 at 13:26, Nadia Leihs <leihs at gmx.de> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> The Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism in collaboration
> with Afrika Positive e.V. and the African Media Initiative (AMI) are
> organizing a September School on “Media and Migration” in Rabat, Morocco,
> September 9-14, 2019.
> Up to 25 outstanding journalists from Africa and Europe will be selected
> to participate in the September School, in order to broaden their
> analytical skills, meet with internationally renowned experts, and
> participate in field trips in the transit country Morocco. All costs will
> be covered by the program.
> Please spread the attached call your networks and/or forward it to
> suitable journalists.
> Many thanks and best wishes,
> Nadia Leihs
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