[FoME] Wtrlt: [IAMCR] New issue: Quaderns del CAC 44 - Fake news, algorythms and filter bubbles

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Mo Okt 1 18:01:38 CEST 2018

>>> "Montilla Castillo, Silvia" <smontilla.cac at gencat.cat> 01.10.2018
08:13 >>>

New issue: Quaderns del CAC 44 - Fake news, algorythms and filter

Catalan: https://bit.ly/2p1t1hV 
English: https://bit.ly/2QgTByW 
Spanish: https://bit.ly/2zI1Q1A 

Here is the list of the articles published. Hope you find it


- Martí Petit: Towards a critique of algorithmic reason. A
state-of-the-art review of artificial intelligence, its influence on
politics and its regulation
- Òscar Coromina and Adrián Padilla: Analysis of disinformation
regarding the referendum on 1 October detected by Maldito Bulo 15
- Sara Suárez-Gonzalo: Your likes, your vote? Big personal data
exploitation and media manipulation in the US presidential election
campaign of Donald Trump in 2016
- Ana S. Cardenal, Carol Galais, Joaquim Moré, Camilo Cristancho and
Sílvia Majó-Vázquez: The challenge of measuring ideological bias in
written digital media

Articles section
- Marta Narberhaus Martínez: Children's news on television. Topics,
information quality and audience reception of Newsround (BBC), Logo
(ZDF) and Info K (TVC)
- Aida Martori Muntsant: Betevé: from hyperlocal television to
transmedia? An analysis of the evolution
- Sara Rovira-Esteva and Irene Tor-Carroggio: Sensory accessibility
services in TV stations broadcasting in Catalan: the current situation
and proposals for the future 
- Miquel Sañas and Maria Gutiérrez: Constructing a television format:
the case of the Telenotícies news programme on Catalan public television

Best regards, 

Sylvia Montilla
General Coordinator
Quaderns del CAC

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