[FoME] Job opening at CAMECO - Desk Officer for Digital and Social Media / Asia

Michael Unland Michael.Unland at CAMECO.ORG
Do Mär 15 11:47:08 CET 2018

Job opening at CAMECO 
For our international team in Aachen, Germany, CAMECO seeks to recruit
Desk Officer for Digital and Social Media / Asia (part time 50%)
The position offers a creative scope and a diverse field for
professional development, a one year contract, with the possibility of
extension and a competitive salary with an attractive social benefit
Deadline for application is the 23rd April, 2018
Please feel free to share and distribute the attached Job announcement
to your network or potentially interested experts.
With best regards
Michael Unland
Executive Director
Postfach 10 21 04 
D-52021 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 18
Fax: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 33
michael.unland at cameco.org 

Job Vacancy
Who we are
For more than 45 years, CAMECO (Catholic Media Council -
www.cameco.org) has offered advice to international aid organisations –
among them many faith-based agencies – in the promotion of media
projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, the
Middle East and Oceania, and provided support to communication
initiatives in these regions.
CAMECO aims to strengthen capacities of civil society and local
churches in media and communication. We form an active part of the
German and international media assistance community, and our networks
make international media expertise accessible to its partners.
For our international team based in Aachen, Germany, CAMECO seeks to
recruit a
Desk Officer for Digital and Social Media / Asia 
(part time 50%)
Main Tasks and Responsibilities:
·		 Assessment and strategic advice and development of
digital media / social media projects in cooperation with project
·		 Screening and assessing project proposals from partner
organisations with an emphasis on Asian countries (in particular South
East Asia, Asia-Pacific)
·		 Guiding communication and media development work in
·		 Networking in media development cooperation
·		 University degree in a field relevant to the tasks
(e.g. media, communication studies, Asian regional studies, ethnology or
development studies) 
·		 Previous professional experience with social media
and/or in development cooperation. If substantial, it may be accepted in
lieu of a university degree
·		 Knowledge of the functions and specifics of online
media and the current state of the debate 
·		 Experience working with local / community / social
·		 Basic knowledge about project development and
·		 International experience, preferably in Asia
·		 Experience in working with NGOs, committees and
associations desirable
Language skills
·		 Fluency in English written and spoken
·		 Good command of German is an asset
·		 Any other language spoken in Asia would be an
additional advantage
Personal Requirements:
·		 Planful and analytical thinking
·		 Moderation and facilitation skills
·		 Communication and presentation skills 
·		 Teamwork and motivation
·		 Willingness to travel within the region. Fitness for
tropical climates
·		 Openness and experience with working in politically
sensitive and culturally diverse contexts 
·		 Above-average commitment, resilience and flexibility
·		 Identification with the Catholic Church, and
understanding of processes within faith-based organisations
The position offers a creative scope and a diverse field for
professional development. We offer a one-year contract, with the
possibility of extension, a competitive salary, and social benefits
package including an additional pension fund.  
CAMECO ensures professional equality between women and men, and
welcomes applications from people with diverse cultural backgrounds.
If you feel you would be suited to the position, please submit your
application per email by 23rd April, 2018 to employment at cameco.org. 
Please include a letter of motivation in English, your CV, as well as
previous employment certificates and documentation. 
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