[FoME] UNESCO @ Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Bonn, 11./12.06.2018

Andreas Salz salz at unesco.de
Mi Jun 6 09:09:43 CEST 2018

Meet Guy Berger, Director for Freedom of Expression and Media Development at
UNESCO, and Christine M. Merkel, Head of Division for Culture,
Communication, Memory of the World at the German Commission for UNESCO at
the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn -

16 | Global trends in media and culture versus global inequalities
Monday, 11 June 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Room Bonn I+II
This World Café is a participative discussion about how we can change global
inequalities in and through media and culture. It responds to two recent
major reports by UNESCO: World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media
Development (https://en.unesco.org/world-media-trends-2017), and Re/Shaping
Cultural Policies (Global Report on the 2005 Convention on the Diversity of
Cultural Expressions, https://en.unesco.org/creativity/global-report-2018). 
The reports identify key changes in media and the flow of cultural goods,
services and artists. Journalistic and artistic freedom and safety are also
covered, each with a gender-sensitive lense. 
Participants will have the opportunity to brainstorm in small groups on how
these trends interface with inequalities, both between and within countries.
Groups will share their suggestions with UNESCO on how these manifold
inequalities can be overcome.

35 | Help UNESCO to assess how journalism links with the Internet ecosystem
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Room Rondel
UNESCO, the UN agency with primary responsibility for media freedom and
journalists’ safety, is consulting worldwide on a research tool to map the
Internet at country level. The final “indicators” in this tool will help
stakeholders identify where there are shortfalls, and provide an
evidence-base for improvements. The exercise seeks to understand where news
and entertainment media institutions can be considered within online Rights,
Openness, Accessibility, and Multi-stakeholder Participation (UNESCO’s
R.O.A.M. model of the Internet, see
This session will provide insight into how the many different dimensions of
the Internet implicate the future of news and enable participants to help
shape the UNESCO indicators.


Referent Kommunikation und Information / Programme Specialist Communication
and Information
Fachbereich Kultur, Kommunikation, Memory of the World / Division of
Culture, Communication, Memory of the World

Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V. / German Commission for UNESCO
Colmantstraße 15, 53115 Bonn, Germany

Tel.:      +49 228 60497-34
Fax:      +49 228 60497-30
E-Mail:  salz at unesco.de
Web:     www.unesco.de

Aktuelle News erhalten Sie über Twitter: www.twitter.com/unesco_de
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