[FoME] Berlin Scholarship Program - Empowering Journalists in the Digital Field, Call for Applications

Christian Mihr | Reporter ohne Grenzen Christian.Mihr at reporter-ohne-grenzen.de
Do Jul 19 23:09:53 CEST 2018

Dear all,

Reporters Without Borders just launched the new „Berlin Scholarship Program: Empowering Journalists in the Digital Field”. We invite professional journalists, bloggers and citizen journalists from war zones and crisis areas to come to Berlin for three to four months. During this time they can enjoy a break and complete a comprehensive training program in digital security issues relevant to their work.
Please find all details including the application form here: https://www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de/hilfe-schutz/stipendien/berliner-stipendienprogramm/ or below.

All the best and thanks a lot in advance,
Christian Mihr

-  Call for Applications  -

Berlin Scholarship Program: Empowering Journalists in the Digital Field

Reporters Without Borders Germany invites journalists from war zones and crisis areas to come to Berlin for three to four months. During this time they can enjoy a break and complete a comprehensive training program in digital security issues relevant to their work: https://www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de/hilfe-schutz/stipendien/berliner-stipendienprogramm/
The program is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.
The aim of the scholarship is to provide scholarship holders with practical knowledge on how to protect themselves against digital threats such as surveillance or hacker attacks in their journalistic work. In addition, they will also receive training in how to teach others in their home region about digital security issues.
In the first round of the program advertised here, four scholarships will be awarded for the period from 1.10.2018 to 31.12.2018. In 2019, three further rounds of four scholarships will be awarded in separate calls for applications.
Who can apply?
Professional journalists, bloggers and citizen journalists who

     *   are exposed to digital threats due to their work in their home regions,
     *   want to learn and work extensively with digital security in order to improve their personal security
     *   are interested in passing on the knowledge acquired during the scholarship program to colleagues in their home regions and, ideally, already have some experience in teaching (including in other areas).
What we offer:
We cover the travel costs, take care of all visa-related matters, provide a pleasant apartment in Berlin for the duration of the scholarship, pocket money of around € 1000 per month, free use of public transport in Berlin and a fully equipped computer, and also organize participation in a varied scholarship program taught by experts in the field of digital security and didactics. Furthermore, during their stay in Berlin scholarship holders will be given insights into the activities of a globally active journalist and human rights organization.

Scholarship holders must have good to very good command of English, as the working language of the scholarship program will be English. They should also have adequate experience working as a journalist. In addition, applicants must have every intention of returning to their home region after three to four months of residence in Germany.
How to apply:
Please send a completed and signed application form, the completed questionnaire, your CV and your identity documents (scanned copies) in separate PDF documents as email attachments (in total 4 PDFs) by email to digitalfreedom at reporter-ohne-grenzen.de<mailto:digitalfreedom at reporter-ohne-grenzen.de> (PGP-Key: A788DE66; PGP-Fingerprint: 1C05FB65EB880D0EFB8E9DC1F9D5A5F5A788DE66). The deadline for applications is 09.08.2018.
Please use the application form and the questionnaire provided by us to apply. We ask for your understanding that we can only contact applicants who are shortlisted for a place on the program.
Reporter ohne Grenzen e. V., Friedrichstraße 231, 10969 Berlin
Tilman Clauß – Project director
Berlin Scholarship Program : Empowering Journalists in the Digital Field
digitalfreedom at reporter-ohne-grenzen.de<mailto:digitalfreedom at reporter-ohne-grenzen.de>
PGP-Key: A788DE66
Fingerprint: 1C05FB65EB880D0EFB8E9DC1F9D5A5F5A788DE66

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