[FoME] Research report "New skills for the next generation of journalists"

Tina Bettels-Schwabbauer tina.bettels at tu-dortmund.de
Mo Jul 2 12:22:28 CEST 2018

A team of journalism and media researchers from Germany, Hungary, Portugal
and Romania has analysed how academic journalism education in these four
countries conveys knowledge about data journalism, collaborative journalism,
new business models and new ethical challenges. 

Our research report “New Skills for the Next Generation of Journalists” is
available for download here:


The project team consists of journalism and media scholars from the Erich
Brost Institute for International Journalism in Dortmund (Germany), the
University of Pécs (Hungary), the ISCTE–University Institute of Lisbon
(Portugal) and the University of Bucharest (Romania). The research report is
the result of the first phase of the project “New Skills for the Next
Generation of Journalists” funded by Erasmus+. The project is embedded in
the action type “Strategic partnerships for higher education” and will run
for three years until August 2020. Based on the results of our study we will
develop teaching materials for the afore-mentioned four fields. These
courses will then be delivered at the participating universities and
institutes as a pilot teaching activity. All educational materials produced
by the project will be made openly and freely accessible through open
licenses via the project’s website http://newsreel.pte.hu/ in English. 


A short German summary of our report can be found here:




Tina Bettels-Schwabbauer



Leitende Redakteurin

European Journalism Observatory (EJO)

Deutsche Ausgabe

https://de.ejo-online.eu/ <http://de.ejo-online.eu/> 


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Erich-Brost-Institut für internationalen Journalismus


TU Dortmund

Otto-Hahn-Straße 2

D-44227 Dortmund


Tel.: 0231/755-6958 oder -4152

Fax: 0231/755-6955



 <http://newsreel.pte.hu/> http://newsreel.pte.hu/


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