[FoME] Impressive Reach in Eritrea: Audience Research Project by DW Akademie for Reporter Without Borders

Jan Lublinski jan.lublinski at dw.com
Mo Jan 8 18:19:54 CET 2018

Dear colleagues,

best wishes for 2018 !!

I'd llike to inform you about a very special audience research project DW 
Akademie has carried out on behalf of Reporter without Borders. It 
concernes a country that is placed at the bottom of the Press Freedom 
Index: Eritrea. 

As a repsonse to the situation in this country Reporters Without Borders 
supports a team of exiled Eritreans who run Radio Erena from Paris, to 
provide the population within Eritrea, as well as the diaspora and 
refugees, with comprehensive, balanced, and diverse information. But how 
successful is this approach? How big is this audience of this exile radio?

To get a reliable quantitative estimate of the number of Radio Erena 
listeners within Eritrea poses a huge challenge, as it is obvious that a 
survey can not be conducted within Eritrea, mainly due to fear and 
repression within the country. A DW Akademie evaluation team therefore 
conducted a survey with refugees that recently left Eritrea - in Ethiopia 
and Sudan.

Information on the method and the findings can be found here:


Greetings from Bonn

Jan Lublinski

Dr. Jan Lublinski
Leiter Studien und Evaluierung
Head Research and Evaluation
Department of Strategy and Consulting Services
DW Akademie

Deutsche Welle (DW)
Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3
53113 Bonn

T +49.228.429-2281
M +49.173.267-2649
jan.lublinski at dw.com

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