[FoME] Residence for Journalists at risk: Application deadline 5th Jan

Nora Wehofsits | ECPMF wehofsits at ecpmf.eu
Di Jan 2 16:47:36 CET 2018

Dear FOME network,

we hope you had a good start in 2018. Also in the new year many 
journalists across Europe are facing threats.

The ECPMF's Journalists-in-Residence Programme provides temporary 
shelter for journalists who are at risk due to their investigations, or 
the stories they've published.

We currently invite journalists from the EU28 and candidate countries to 
apply. Please share our offer with your network and contacts, and feel 
free to inform individual journalists if you're aware of anyone in 
particular whom you think would appreciate knowing about the programme.

Here are some key info at a glance:

  * Eligible to apply are journalists living in an EU28 or candidate
    country. DEADLINE: 5th JANUARY 2018
  * Two timeslots to choose from: February to July 2018, or August 2018
    to January 2019
  * The ECPMF provides a rent-free, furnished apartment in Leipzig,
    Germany and a monthly grant of 1,000 EUR
  * Costs are covered for travel to and from Leipzig, as well as for
    health insurance
  * Command of either English, French or German required (at least on B2

All the details, an FAQ sheet and the application form are available 
here: https://ecpmf.eu/get-help/journalists-in-residence , and my 
colleague Christian Schult is happy to answer any follow-up questions 
interested people might have.

Thank you for spreading the word.

Kind regards,

Nora and the ECPMF

Unbenanntes Dokument

NEWSocracy3-Spain <https://ecpmf.eu/events/newsocracy3-spain>
*European Centre for Press and Media Freedom*
Nora Wehofsits | Advocacy Officer

Menckestraße 27, 04155 Leipzig/Germany
phone: +49 (0) 341 200 403 16

*M* | wehofsits at ecpmf.eu
*W* | www.ecpmf.eu

follow us:
twitter.com/ECPMF <https://twitter.com/ECPMF> facebook.com/ECPMF 


*Europäisches Zentrum für Presse- und Medienfreiheit, SCE mit 
beschränkter Haftung *
Menckestr. 27 / 04155 Leipzig / Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 341 200 403 13 / Fax: +49 (0) 341 562 96 63

Genossenschaftsregister des Amtsgerichts Leipzig: GnR 534

*Vorstand:* Henrik Kaufholz (Vorstandsvorsitzender), Hans-Ulrich Jörges 
(Stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender), Galina Arapova, Mogens 
Blicher Bjerregård, Christoph Keese, Stephan Seeger, Ljiljana Smailovic
*Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender:* Balazs Nagy Navarro
*Managing Director:* Dr. Lutz Kinkel

*European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, SCE with limited liability *
Menckestr. 27 / 04155 Leipzig / Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 341 200 403 13 / Fax: +49 (0) 341 562 96 63

Cooperative register of the District Court Leipzig: GnR 534

*Executive Board:* Henrik Kaufholz (Chair), Hans-Ulrich Jörges (Vice 
Chair), Galina Arapova, Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, Christoph Keese, 
Stephan Seeger, Ljiljana Smailovic
*Chair of Supervisory Board:* Balazs Nagy Navarro
*Managing Director:* Dr Lutz Kinkel

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