[FoME] UNICEF Report: Children in a Digital World

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Mo Dez 11 17:59:56 CET 2017

The State of World's Children 2017:
Children in A Digital World
New York: UNICEF, 2017, 205 p.

>From the foreword (p.vi):
"[This report] surveys the landscape of digital opportunity as it
relates to – and affects – children. It examines the digital divides
that prevent millions of children from accessing through the internet
new opportunities to learn and, someday, to participate in the digital
economy, helping to break intergenerational cycles of poverty. It also
explores the undeniably dark side of the internet and digital
technology, from cyberbullying to online child sexual abuse to Dark web
transactions and currencies that can make it easier to conceal
trafficking and other illegal activities that harm children. It reviews
some of the debates about less obvious harms children may suffer from
life in a digital age – from digital dependencies to the possible impact
of digital technology on brain development and cognition. And it
outlines a set of practical recommendations that can help guide more
effective policymaking and more responsible business practices to
benefit children in a digital age. Equally important, this report
includes the perspectives of children and young people on the impact of
digital technology in their lives – telling their own stories about the
issues that most affect them."
The report includes data and case studies from Algeria, Bangladesh,
Bosnia-Hercegovina, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central
African Republic, Chad, Chile, Côted’Ivoire, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, India, Indonesia, Liberia, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia,
Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Thailand, Ukraine and other countries.

Christoph Dietz
Postfach 10 21 04 
D-52021 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 14
Fax: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 33
christoph.dietz at cameco.org 

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