[FoME] Studie zur Mediennutzung in Sierra Leone
Elke Schaefter
e.schaefter at gmail.com
Mo Mai 30 15:12:48 CEST 2016
BBC Media Action Sierra Leone hat eine neue Studie zur Mediennutzung in
Sierra Leone veröffentlicht. Hier der Link
Research Report: Communication in Sierra Leone - an analysis of media and
mobile audiences
The media and communication sector in Sierra Leone has significantly
diversified and decentralised since the end of the war in 2002, with the
growth of emerging platforms such as mobile phones and the internet, and a
proliferation of broadcasters on traditional platforms such as radio and TV.
To provide accurate, up-to-date, nationally-representative data about how
people use and access these platforms, BBC Media Action conducted a survey
in late 2015 to understand how adults across Sierra Leone use and access
radio, TV, newspapers, the internet and mobile phones.
Advocacy and Media Advisor
Cell: +232 79 673021
Skype: elke_schaefter
Email: <mailto:e.schaefter at gmail.com> e.schaefter at gmail.com
Freetown, Sierra Leone
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