[FoME] Press Freedom Day: The rugged state of media freedoms in the two Sudans
Dominik Lehnert
nik at mict-international.org
Mo Mai 2 19:40:36 CEST 2016
Dear colleagues and friends,
Every year, May 3 is a date which celebrates the fundamental principles of press freedom; to evaluate press freedom around the world, to defend the media from attacks on their independence and to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the exercise of their profession.
Since South Sudan gained independence in July 2011, seven journalists have been killed, including former The Niles correspondent Peter Julius Moi, and leading media outlets were shut down. Across the border in Sudan, press censorship is rife and journalists work under growing pressure.
Two Media in Cooperation and Transition (MiCT)-The Niles correspondents survey the troubled media landscapes of Sudan and South Sudan, taking into account the latest Press Freedom Index by Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF), which paints a distressing situation in both countries.
The rugged state of media freedoms in the two Sudans
Faisal Al-Bagir, head of Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) in Sudan and South Sudan, details in one part of this article the difference between “bad and very bad”, saying that “journalists in South Sudan are killed physically but one could say that colleagues in Sudan are killed morally every day, which means they lose their souls”.
We encourage you to read about Sudanese and South Sudanese journalists, the struggles they face, and the courage it takes to continue working in such dire circumstances. On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day 2016, we hope that their potential will never be muzzled.
Please feel free to share this article in your networks. The Niles offers free syndication of articles – visit our website (www.theniles.org) for further information.
For more articles on Press Freedom in the two countries, please visit our In Focus “#PressFreedom: Under attack”: https://www.theniles.org/en/articles/infocus/20012/
In the name of MiCT The Niles team, kind regards,
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Dominik Lehnert
Editor-in-Chief, The Niles
Media in Cooperation and Transition gGmbH
Brunnenstraße 9
10119 Berlin, Germany
M +49 177 893 153 5
S nik.lehnert
theniles.org | facebook.com/theniles.org | twitter.com/theniles2012
mict-international.org | facebook.com/mictinternational | twitter.com/mict_intl
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