[FoME] How community broadcasters share and archive content online

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Do Mär 31 16:57:05 CEST 2016

Bold strides or tentative steps? 
How community broadcasters share and archive content online
(CMDS) The Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS) produced a research report, authored by Joost van Beek with contributions from Kate Coyer, which explores some of the challenges, obstacles, opportunities and prospects for online community media archiving. It highlights best practices and lessons learned that can be used to help improve the ways programming is shared, exchanged, and archived online. 
The report is available under http://cmds.ceu.edu/sites/cmcs.ceu.hu/files/attachment/article/955/captchafinalreport20160215.pdf
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