[FoME] Guidebook Internet Governance: Media freedom in a connected world

Steffen Leidel steffen.leidel at dw.com
Do Jun 16 09:05:29 CEST 2016

Dear FoME Community,

DW Akademie and iRights.lab are pleased to announce the publication of the Guidebook Internet Governance: Media freedom in a connected world. 

It is vital for civil society and the media, to work together to shape the Internet of the future and ensure it remains in the service of democracy. Civil society has a crucial role in advocating a human rights-based understanding of the Internet, opposing threats to Internet freedom, and representing Internet users in relevant forums, such as the Internet Governance Forum. Journalists are needed to report on digital rights and the effects of proposed Internet regulation. And informed citizens can play an active role in pushing for Internet freedom. 

The guidebook seeks to contribute to a greater understanding of Internet governance by exploring some of the most pressing Internet governance issues facing the Global South. The guidebook is written for, and by, stakeholders in the Global South.

You can download the guidebook here: 

More information on the collaboration between DW Akademie and iRights.lab

Best wishes

Steffen Leidel 
Kommissarische Leitung Digital und Wissensmanagement
Strategie und Beratung
DW Akademie

Deutsche Welle (DW)
Voltastr. 6
13355 Berlin

T +49.30.4646-8532
F +49.30.4646-8505
M +49.178.7997126
steffen.leidel at dw.com

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