[FoME] New CIMA report: Captured News Media: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Mi Jun 8 14:44:34 CEST 2016

New CIMA report: Captured News Media: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro (CIMA newsletter 08.06.2016): Why are independent media failing to take root or survive in many countries?  We at the Center for International Media Assistance suggest that part of the answer is connected to a concept known as media capture.
Media capture occurs when media owners provide supportive news coverage to political leaders in exchange for favorable government treatment of their businesses and political interests. It is a systemic governance problem: political leaders and media owners work together in a symbiotic but mutually corrupting relationship.
As part of our continuing stream of research and analysis of this phenomenon, we are pleased to publish Captured News Media: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro
( http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001itzmPD-7FO8yrkScpEfHEAYO62yZgWy9hPmfCPdcMwDtRG_KmFKVUjQ1h9xB15HqXIeMroHL4esBhXD7ytCw-SB5rfmTdY69c9wL3pgBRxCF5M6opKu7RHUpuY8VuT3l982JkTBx6mpPHRpbyQzXOEmgHjXPVLC4AHE0yCxSKVlM7h8fmJW5Fc2FqM_QTV6vMpPfcxi4mLSU4EE4pD0dxmidlBH56X5Fj78fUTNUyzWVKjUc-CwKGYCINw4RPgWVzLRhIqQ-WgM=&c=ejfXdgpa_c04vhMriW9_iM-7zgaCBfuoWe0CRUNl04zhYonq_8Tcdw==&ch=Dddgh6vbNyVW5A3B5cf65SIUDaaMnZv4IbhRO6J9dQlCNz_iOrHxMw==) . This report succeeds last year's publication of Captured News Media: The Case of Turkey
( http://www.cima.ned.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/CIMA-Captured-News-Media_The-Case-of-Turkey.pdf) .
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