[FoME] Akademie beta -- DW Akademie´s digital strategy
Petra Berner
petra.berner at dw.com
Di Jul 26 13:32:37 CEST 2016
Dear collegues!
Our fundamental belief is that the right to freedom of expression can only
be realized when all people are able to freely, independently and
confidently communicate online, not just offline. As such, the digital
world requires us to rethink freedom of expression.
Therefore we developed a digital strategy in dialogue with our partners.
This digital strategy "Akademie beta" commits to enabling people to freely
communicate in the digital realm and skillfully navigate digital
You can find the outline here:
(german version)
How are we approaching the digital transformation?
We will focus on what we do best, and on the needs of our partners and the
people in our focus regions. For the next three years, our goals are:
1. Self-determined communication. People in our focus countries can use
digital media independently and competently.
2. Media landscapes of quality. Our partners look to the future of their
digital markets.
3. Visionary education. Universities, institutions and journalism schools
train digital media professionals.
4. Digital rights. Our partners make a difference in shaping Internet
5. Innovative dialogue: People use digital tools and platforms to create
new public spheres.
We are not yet finished. "Akademie beta" is a dynamic process. We will
transparently continue this journey in dialogue with you, with our
partners. Let's keep our communication open.
Petra Berner
PS: One of our main platforms for dialogue is #mediadev, where we share
and discuss ideas, experiences and research about freedom of expression,
media development and digital transformation.
Petra Berner
Leitung Strategie und Beratung
Head Strategy and Consulting Service
Deutsche Welle
DW Akademie
53110 Bonn
T +49.228.429-2981
F +49.228.429-2980
M +49.173.7003480
petra.berner at dw.com
Mobil bestens informiert: Wir empfehlen Ihnen unsere DW-App für iOS und
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