[FoME] Evaluating Capacity-Strengthening Media Projects

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Do Jan 21 15:39:56 CET 2016

Media development: an evaluation of five capacity-strengthening projects
By Rosie Parkyn & Sonia Whitehead
BBC Media Action, 2015, 60 p.


>From the executive summary:

"BBC Media Action has been involved in media development since lt was founded in 1999. Over the years, we have designed and deployed a broad range of evaluation approaches and methodologies to assess the impact of and learn from our work. This has generated much internal discussion: Are we measuring the right things? Where can we realistically expect to see change? How much should we spend on evaluation? How can we teil whether that change is sustainable? This paper is our attempt to bring that discussion to the wider media development community. In it, we set out our working evaluation framework and methodoiogy alongside the findings generated by applying this framework to five different capacitystrengthening interventions."

The five case studies inciude: Noun 1 05.9FM, Nigeria; Oromia Radio and Television Organisation (ORTO), Ethiopia; CG FM, Tanzania; Dinesh FM, Nepal; PBC, Palestinian territories.


Christoph Dietz
Postfach 10 21 04
D-52021 Aachen, Oermany
Tel.: 0049-241 -70 13 12 14
Fax: 0049-241 -70131233
christoph.dietz at cameco.org 
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