[FoME] Reminder: PhD Scholarship - School of International and Intercultural Communication | SIIC

Dirk-Claas Ulrich dirk-claas.ulrich at tu-dortmund.de
Sa Feb 6 15:00:19 CET 2016

The School of International and Intercultural Communication | SIIC, supported by MERCUR (Mercator Research Center Ruhr) and the UA-Universities Bochum, Dortmund and Duisburg-Essen, is offering

1 PhD Scholarship

starting April 1, 2016.

The graduate school establishes a new center of international and intercultural research, which aims to synthesize yet distinct perspectives on communication, media, and journalism studies. Focus of investigations are current developments in political and/or cross-border communication in transformation countries and respectively in countries/regions of the Global South.

Fellows of the SIIC benefit from a cutting-edge curricula and an intense supervisory relationship and will find a creative and innovative environment fostering their own PhD projects and scientific career.

Profile and qualifications: outstanding master’s degree in communication, media or journalism studies or any related discipline; a distinctive interest in international and intercultural research issues; excellent command of English and good German or the willingness to learn the language. An indispensable prerequisite is the capacity and willingness to implement a theoretically and empirically integrative approach to current phenomena of journalism, media and/or communication studies.

The scholarship provides a tax-free stipend of € 1.000 per month for an initial period of 24 months. Subject to positive evaluations of the project progress the stipend may be prolonged for two six-month periods, up to three years. Furthermore, the SIIC is in alignment with the guiding principles of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Prospective candidates should submit their application (max. two PDF-files, English or German) to Dirk-Claas Ulrich via Email (dirk-claas.ulrich at tu-dortmund.de <mailto:dirk-claas.ulrich at tu-dortmund.de>) by indicating “Application SIIC 2016” in the subject line: short cover letter, CV, two references (recommendation letter or contact details), a copy of the Master’s thesis and a detailed project proposal (max. 10 pages).

 Candidates are expected to submit their application by February 29, 2016.

School of International and Intercultural Communication

Prof. Dr. Susanne Fengler, Prof. Dr. Jens Loenhoff, Prof. Dr. Barbara Thomaß

C/o Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism

TU Dortmund

Otto-Hahn-Str. 2

44227 Dortmund


Dr. des. Dirk-Claas Ulrich
Program Director
School of International and Intercultural Communication | SIIC
C/o Erich-Brost-Institut für internationalen Journalismus
TU Dortmund
Otto-Hahn-Str. 2
44227 Dortmund

Room:	C 20
Phone:	+49 (0) 231/ 755-6976
Fax:		+49 (0) 231/ 755-6955
Web:	http://www.brost.org

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