[FoME] Sourcefabric's newsletter

Letizia Gambini letizia.gambini at sourcefabric.org
Di Aug 30 12:28:30 CEST 2016


Sofie from Cameco has suggested we could share with you our latest
newsletter, from Sourcefabric (www.sourcefabric.org).

We are a media development and technology organisation and have been
invited to present our projects at the next FoME Symposium.

Here's the link to the latest August edition
so that people can get acquainted with our work!

Thanks in advance.


Letizia Gambini
Head of Communications, Sourcefabric
letizia.gambini at sourcefabric.org

Prinzessinnenstrasse 20
10969 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 616 29 281

twitter: @letzi83 | skype: sourceletzi
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