[FoME] Reporting on FoME Symposium 2015
Ute Lange
ute.lange at dw.com
Do Okt 15 09:40:42 CEST 2015
Dear FoME Community,
we would like to inform you about our reporting on this year's FoME
Symposium, hosted by DW Akademie on Oktober 1 and 2 in Bonn. Please check
our website and #mediadev
Report http://www.dw.com/en/bonn-initiating-change/a-18780461
Interview with Ben Ramalingam
Wrap up by Petra Berner
A glimpse at #fome2015
Films https://www.youtube.com/user/DWAkademieTrainings
The complete documentation is currently being prepared for publication on
the FoME website
Make sure to check in regularly to catch up on the latest additions.
Greetings from Bonn
Ute Lange
Leiterin Kommunikation
Hauptabteilung Training und Kommunikation
DW Akademie
Deutsche Welle (DW)
Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3
53113 Bonn
T +49.228.429-2099
F +49.228.429-2060
M +49.173.7008759
T +49.30.4646-8508 (Berlin)
ute.lange at dw.com
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