[FoME] FoME Symposium 2015 - Invitation and Registration

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Mo Jul 27 16:27:43 CEST 2015

Invitation to the international Symposium. Registration is now open 

The German Network of Media Development Organizations, FoME cordially invites you to attend the 
11th international FoME Symposium 
“Focus on Impact: Advanced Methods and Concepts in Media Development” 

The Symposium is organized by DW Akademie and will be held October 1st and 2nd 2015 at the Deutsche Welle in Bonn, Germany. 

The Symposium focuses on one of the most important changes in media development: the increased demand for scientific validation and effectiveness of methods and concepts used in media development projects along with the increasing role of proven results, ambitious targets and indicators. For details please see the draft program and the concept note. 

The two-day Symposium will bring together over 150 media development experts, practitioners, academics and donors from all over the world to discuss important issues in the sector with experts, partners and organizations from the Global South. 

The Symposium has a hands-on and dialogue format that includes small workshops and plenary debates.   

The keynote will be held by Ben Ramalingam, author of the book "Aid on the Edge of Chaos". 

Please fill-out the registration form  for the 11th FoME Symposium no later than August 30th to secure your place at FoME Symposium. 
The conference fee of €150 includes all meals and coffee breaks. To arrange for accommodations, please check the practical information section: 
Please don’t forget to complete the questionnaire and let us know your preferences and suggestions for program topics and aspects to be considered. 

All information is on www.fome.info 

Please contact fome2015 at dw.com with any additional questions. 

Kind regards, 

Patrick H. Leusch 

Head International Affairs 
Strategy and Consulting Services 
DW Akademie 

Deutsche Welle (DW) 
Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3 
53113 Bonn 

T.:  +49-228-429-2035 
M.: +49-162-402 3471   
F.:  +49-228-429-3550 
patrick.leusch at dw.de 


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